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New city : Varga
  • Lusty
  • Added: 07/18/2010 12:21 PM
  • Last updated: 12/28/2024 02:25 PM


Pages: 1
I love your tilesets, and your mapping! You are fantastic, subscribing to this :)
Thanks XD, glad you like the new map
I'm a dog pirate
Perfect balance between detail and simplicity -- how city mapping should be. Your cliff edges are a bit too straightforward, but that conclusion is based on a small sample :)

Edit: I would probably add something to the upper-level porch in the center there.
Returning from RMVX Death
Someone obviously knows what their doing here... (Crap... Makes me not want to post my villages up.) XD
Deckiller, something in upper level porch, like a chair? Yeah, some cliff is little straight in this area.
First time I adore RMXP maps, awesome!!!
Pages: 1