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  • cabfe
  • 09/03/2020 04:11 PM
Bleeding Moons is released!

You can find it on my publisher's official store as well as on Steam and GOG.

Thank you to all my fans and supporters. Your patience is laudable after all these years, but I can promise it was worth the wait.

Now you can finally play the full game and see why it has won so many awards already!


Pages: 1
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
Oh cool! A sudden release for this game was not something I expected from 2020, but it's a welcome surprise!
It looks really good does each ending have a good or bad ending?
It looks really good does each ending have a good or bad ending?

There are several endings, with variations depending on your past choices.
And a few of them can be very good or very bad.
Pages: 1