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In the first universe there are many empty/isolated planets, the ones that are safe for travel are listed below. (This does not include player made planets)

The home and birth place of the player character, Terria is an incredibly beautiful land full of large rivers and long green pastures.
Since the 1st era, the evil and darkness have been vanquished from the land and supposedly banished to the underworld however the planet continues to ravage itself in war with one another.
It is fairly easy to travel to and does not require much huon energy as long as the player is a level 3 timelord and above.

The home of Tsuna, Osthaven is an outpost planet based on the moon in the north region of the first galaxy. The planet is said to be controlled by its parent planet (of which there is no information from) to resource the miners and workers. Every once in a while, the king will happily drop by to make sure the workers are as uncomfortable as possible because he knows a revolution is imminent.
According to Tsuna, the planet is said to produce some of the most powerful sages and wizards in the entire universe.

The world of sultans and raiders, Alkhied is a desert planet on the edge of the first galaxy. It is technologically inferior to the other planets in the galaxy, but contains some of the most skilled assassins in the cosmos. It is currently ruled by King Landus III who is reluctant to accept outside creatures into his world. Other than the main city and the many structures, Alkhied is almost, if not completely covered in deep desert sand, which makes it incredibly easy for a person to get lost.

Deep in the first galaxy lies a planet absolutely engulfed in war. Nomad is a big world with similar features to Terria. It is covered in massive rain forests and pastures longer than the eye can see. In the current timeline the planet lies in ruins of the last great war between the Nomads and the silent being who came from the skies and spawned hell upon them.
There are very few people left alive on the planet itself but they have split themselves into two categories and continue to wage war on each other.