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ProgRep _4

  • Bogo
  • 10/16/2015 03:11 PM
Hi there,
Everybody's waiting for RPG Maker MV, and I'm just sitting here with my XP... :)

I'm working hard to make it for the release date of the game (12/12/15). By far I'm on track, many stages have been added and existing ones have been polished and improved. Today I've uploaded two screenshots, showing the same location at different time - one during the day, and one at night.

I think it's a good moment to announce that there will be some sneaking parts in the game, so this day-night feature will be more, than just a decoration;) All you Thief and MGS fans out there can rejoice!

Here are the two mentioned screenshots, you can also find them in Images section:

That's all I got for today, stay tuned!
Best, Bogo


Pages: 1
Interesting... I never thought of adding 'sneak' moments in a game... That's quite interesting. Keep up the good work!
Pages: 1