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Betatesting updates so far

  • Jenbo
  • 07/22/2020 12:30 PM
So, betatesting has been underway for quite a bit, and so far there's been quite some changes.

First of all, I've added a way to look up States in battle. This shows both enemy and player states, and it even scrolls if there are many of them. Some of my testers weren't sure what some states did, so I decided to add it.

I also added an arrow to the selected actor in both the battle and the mnu, as some testers found the highlight too hard to see.
I made a nice chapter transition screen to highlight important dates/events:

I added a script that autocolors important things to emphasize them. For now it colors important names, places, continents, organizations and the world ( "Escalia")

eDeus has been really busy drawing some more portraits for the NPCs that had none:

And I modified the Status and Save screen a bit:

Other than that, there's been some fixes here and there.
1. I disabled the F12 button which resetted the game until now.
2. The Questlog wasn't updating properly, also used the wrong icons (main quests and side quests were the same and both used the "fail" icon instead) and one quest portrayed a reward which was different from what you got.
3. One of my skills wasn't showing battle pop-ups when you healed, which I also fixed.
4. I got a memory leak issue in battle fixed which was caused by my GUI script.
5. The 10% chance to revive in battle system is now increased by the LUCK stat.
6. I changed the in game fonts, as some fonts I used weren't allowed for commercial usage or embedding.
7. My menu now also scrolls horizontally. No longer need to scroll all the way back from System to Items!

Also changed a mapping error and some collision issues. The new demo should be out in a few weeks. Can't wait to see what you guys think of it :D


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Ooohhhh those are very nice updates!!! Well done! I especially like that also NPCs will have their portraits, and the new save and status menu. And the stats description is really helpful! Continue with the great work!
Ooohhhh those are very nice updates!!! Well done! I especially like that also NPCs will have their portraits, and the new save and status menu. And the stats description is really helpful! Continue with the great work!

Good to hear that you like it :D yes all NPCs so far are getting a portrait, eDeus wanted to give them all a bust/face. I think there's 1-2 left and then they're all done.
I know I am late but I will give this game a try - complete with bug report and guide.

I already found a bug for one of the first sidequest. As long as it is not gamebreaking, you can read it later here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pn8hc67wl2qxxlj/escalia%20guide%20and%20bugreport.docx?dl=0

That was short. Is there a other beta available?
I tested only the downloadable game.
I know I am late but I will give this game a try - complete with bug report and guide.

I already found a bug for one of the first sidequest. As long as it is not gamebreaking, you can read it later here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pn8hc67wl2qxxlj/escalia%20guide%20and%20bugreport.docx?dl=0

That was short. Is there a other beta available?
I tested only the downloadable game.

Sorry for my late reply, I had a surgery and had to recover.
You've played the IGMC 2015 version. But no matter, it turns out I still had some the same issues in the current build :) so I have fixed it! Thank you very much for reporting.
I hope to have the new beta out soon. It'll be a bit longer (mostly story additions, flavor text and so on) but it'll cut off at nearly the same point, leaving you walking around in Aldwyn, and some hints about what's to come.
We have been working on the storyline past this though during Covid. Excited to share it!
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