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Demo inc, 13th of March

  • Jenbo
  • 03/07/2021 08:25 PM
So, it's been a long, long while.
However, I have some exciting news :)
The newest demo of Escalia is going to be released on the 13th of March!
It'll be an updated version of the IGMC version with a lot of added stuff.

Next week I'd also like to introduce you on what's next to come, as eDeus and I have been working a lot on the lore, storyline, cities and fleshing out characters, amongst other things. Expect a preview of this around next week. Of course, this will be post-demo stuff.

As a small preview, here's a concept art of the world map, Escalon:


Pages: 1
I am excited for the new demo! I am going to play it even though I played the old version, I am curious to see all the new improvements!
The map looks AMAZING! I love its drawing style and the names of the various regions and cities are all very "fantasy", which I personally really like!
Thanks! Got some very interesting things to share too, so can't wait to tell you guys about it :D
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