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I think I coined a new word!

  • pianotm
  • 05/23/2017 05:30 AM
Daemonoslipophobia: the fear of being chased by a demon around a table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor.

Name: Angel Painting

Developer: Goddialga

Story: You play Ann, a girl lost in the forest with her friends. You decide to wait out a storm in an abandoned building. You wake up to find your friends missing, so you go to search the building for them. Your only clues to this mystery are paintings all over the building...paintings you know you've seen before.

Writing: By this point, this being the third game translated by Goddialga that I've reviewed, it's become pretty clear that English is not his first language, and as with every game he's translated, it shows. In Anirone, it wasn't detrimental because there was very little text, and in Hakuda's wife visiting, the broken English actually added substantially to the charm. Here, however, it becomes a significant issue as the game is very story and text reliant, unlike Anirone, and it doesn't have the specific local style Hakuda did. Here, sufficiently incorrect grammar can take a player out of the story. On the whole, it's a fairly standard story. A girl that doesn't remember her past is trapped in a haunted building and discovers her dark history.

It's totally ordinary for little girls to paint hell beasts.

Gameplay: Very hard puzzles. The first time you're chased by the monster, unless you luck out, you'll also have extreme difficulty figuring out how to get away from him. The safe code and the monster chase are both going make large amounts of potential players quit the game in frustration and give up. The solution to each of them is simple. Figuring out that solution is insanely hard and most people would give up if it wasn't for the hint. As for the monster, it took me a little over an hour to figure out the trick to getting away from him. Hint: he's on a time limit. Ultimately, I spent most of the time this game running around a table with the monster right on my heels (hence the joke that I opened the review with). Fortunately, once you figure out the trick to getting way from the monster, he's no longer a challenge, by even a little.

Unfortunately, that's a problem. Once you pass the safe code, and figure out how to get past the monster, you are literally past the hardest parts of the game, and the rest of the puzzles are nowhere near as hard, and while clever, they are now the only thing providing the challenge, and they're a good challenge yes, but there's no longer a pressing threat. The monster returns to chase you repeatedly. You will have to run from about once every five minutes, and the first time was the only challenging one. He's simply no longer a threat once you've figured him out and this means that he becomes something of an annoyance. Bottom line: the monster was a good jump scare at the start, but didn't change its game, and having him chase you a second time without changing the rules was one time too many, and he chases you a total of four times making him way too overused.

Graphics: Custom face sets and pictures with RTP maps and charsets. The graphics are pretty standard fare.

Music: Is mostly royalty free music from some pretty common sources. I'm sure most people have heard these.

Glitches: The game cannot find the fonts and crashes. You have to copy a font folder with the proper font into the project folder. The result is that the game looks like this:

So, since this is cut off, I can finish it any way I want. Mwahahahahaha!
"Let's just take a rest inside that butt."

Although, there's actually a good chance that the translator that the font is oversized for some reason. It certainly doesn't look like the standard font, but half of the text cuts off at the end and the other half is way to short, so there's quite a bit of inconsistency.

Conclusion: Not a bad game. Nintendo hard, and this game has a lot going for it. If I had to rank this game with the other two that the translator did, I'd say this was better than Anirone, even though Anirone had better presentation, but not nearly as good as Hakuda's wife visiting. I liked this game. I think most RPG Maker horror game fans will probably enjoy it.


Pages: 1
Wow! Thank you very much for the review! I have no idea about the font since mine is normal size. This is the only game I actually translated. Anirone was written in English in the first place because I want to publish it internationally. Hakuda was translated by my teammate, Nolfwin.

I admit this game is more story-focused and can be able to hold an interest than Anirone.
Pages: 1