RPG Maker VX Ace

This script allows you to create a reputation system with a graphical user interface.

Soulpour – Reputation System Orpheus
Author: Soulpour777
Web URL:
Credits: Animeflow for the Wallpaper

This script allows you to create a reputation system with a graphical user interface.


Put the script below Materials above Main.
Make sure that the needed graphics are installed under Systems folder.
For more information, you can download or use the demo.

Combining with eventing, you can add or subtract your reputation.

Script Call:
To call this script, use this script call:

Get Demo Here:


Pages: 1
I absolutely love this =) just what I needed for my project !! :D

Is is it possible though to use this system on multiple characters like shop owners with different graphics and variables on each one. How do I do that ?

At the moment I only figured out how to use the script system on just 1 character. what do I do to use it on other more shop owners ingame ? Is there a way to change variable and graphics on the script in game events coz that would solve my problem :)

This is amazing :) If I just could use it on more than just 1 character. It might be im stupid and overlooking something though xD

Appreciate all the help you can give me :D
Pages: 1