

Colors of each rpg maker

Hello all and sry my bad english, it sucks.
I just want to know how many bits each rpg maker support. Ex.: 2k3 = 8bit resolution.


Bom ver um brasileiro(a) postando um jogo aqui. Daqui um tempo eu posto o meu também :D

[RM2K] Using pointer variables

I was reading some tutorials abous pointer variable on rm2k/3 and understood how works, but no one of these tutorials was clearly to me. Somebody can teach me some situations to use this kind of function?

[RM2K] Problem with variable

Already solved the problem, thx all.

[RM2K] Problem with variable

Hello all, I'm creating a custom battle system on rm2k and need to get the max hp of the player, but idk why doesnt work.
Here the settings of the variable:

And here the result. First red line its the max hp value and the second red line its the actual hp.

Why that happens?
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