Beta testers!? No, this game needs a goddamn exorcist!
Developer of videogames and boardgames. Yet to release a boardgame or a game made in RPGmaker.
Favourite genre: jRPG, Strategy RPG, Action RPG
Other likes: Anime, digital media, writing
Proud Canadian
Avatars: Tiara from my should-be-upcoming game Resolem, by NiwaRhythm




The level of improvement...


+1 for waifu witch Mirabell.

Story time: Two friends of mine were finally getting married after eons of waiting and while talking about wedding dresses, I decided to show her all of the wedding dresses from 3 of the Agarest War games. Then my other friend was like "stop making her consider stuff like that! It's expensive enough already!"


Nyanta is no doubt charmed.


I tried using stock props in a 3D modelling software and after turning a bed around for, I kid you not like 2 hours, I'm like "Nope. I don't understand perspective at all." so when making my furniture I have a top view on the top and a front view on the bottom.

But with your perspective, maybe looking at a 3D model will help you line up the perspective of your furniture and stuff better.