

RMVX Save transfers

Is there any way to transfer savegames, as in the game The Way? I was wondering about it for a possible project in the future. In rmvx that is.


Welcome to the site. Post a lot and enjoy yourself.

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So your mom is Japanese right? I have to say you are very 外人 looking for a Japanese.

How excatly am I suposed too decide on how I look? Besides, I am only half japanese anyways, so yes I am a 外人 in that sense.

post your picture

I do not know this facesforce, but my email was hacked earlier this year. Maybe that user was merely an hacker using my email's name?

Edit: I DO store photo's there to send to my friends... Maybe he just stole on in the progress?

What are you jamming to?

Paradise Lunch: Gun's Roses.
Smooth, but frantic jazz.

So I necro'd- The Three Word Story!

to collapse suddenly

Share unused game ideas

Endless Wave: A game where you are the captain of a submarine and explore the world for money profit, but the sub would need fuel. I scrapped it due to it being to complex.

Blood Knight Jive: A expanding story that takes place in space. Catch was, that the captian design kept changing, so it was a failure.

What are you thinking about right now?

That really is a good song.

What are you thinking about right now?

Huh? I just made my email out of two different words I thought were cool out of english. Wait, what? Who are you confusing me with? I'm really confused.

Edit: Kaneda Air Base. Not Kaneda from Akira.

What are you thinking about right now?

Hmm? My father raised me in Kaneda for many years, so I know quite a bit of english, but still struggle in some areas. Who is prince vankleek?