I am Ineke and come frome the Netherlands.I play all years rpg games.I love it.
I have children and play also rpg whit them.LOL
Also i have 4 cats.But they don.t play rpg.LOL

Also I make forums and websites on my pc.

Greats Ineke



Fable of Heroes I: Legendary Edition

Wat can you doing here?Nothing happends more than this two screens.

Fable of Heroes I: Legendary Edition

We can help me?

In the dessert in the farao pyramid and the tower,i can not past.You must click on red and purpel orbs?I did that but than i do not understand wat you must doing.I clicks on all but cannot past to a other part of the game.

Escavar Fathome: Reboot

I have the same problem.And also the game is over whit a error.It crasht.The most games from here did it good on my pc.(sorry my English is not so good, i am Dutch.)

Fable of Heroes I: Legendary Edition

Yes,I found the key.

Thanxs Ineke

Fable of Heroes I: Legendary Edition

Thank you.


Endeavor: Grand Legacy

Yes I found it.Thank you.

Jays Journey

This is a good game,but you cannot find were and wat you must do in a place.I have got a balloon but you cannet get that.I go around and around but it is not helpfull in the game.

Endeavor: Grand Legacy

Nice game.But i am in the night to look for ?????But it is to dark.I cannot see were i must go.I walk and walk.It is in the beginning of the game.Can you help me??
Sorry for my English.It is not so good.I am Dutch.

Fable of Heroes I: Legendary Edition

How can I open the red magic door in the acident ruins?

And how open the acient door from the toren in the desert?

Thanx Ineke

Fable of Heroes I: Legendary Edition

I am sorry.My write English is not so good.I am Dutch.I have 2 keys.The thiefs and the Magic key.But cannot open other doors.So I cannot do more things.There are closet doors.(the underground river and other closed doors.Where can I find more keys!!

I was by the pyramide and open farao,s door.But what to do whit the lighting orbs.They can only set red and purpel.But I can,t go to the other rooms.

Thanxs Ineke
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