

Umbral Soul

I still check RPGmaker.net just to see how Umbral Soul is doing.

I'm not intensely invested in the sequel or ultimate edition, I've gotten all the enjoyment I could ever want from Umbral Soul anything more is gravy, but it just feels nice to see people like the game and the updates from the developer. I hope you get better!

Umbral Soul

I think it's insane that you're still working on the game/adding stuff to it. The game felt seriously full (In a good way) when I ran through it.

I guess idle thoughts (I don't even want to call them suggestions, because most would require a lot of additions) on what I think would make me go 'Ah, that's new' when replaying.

More side convo's for different summons. Doesn't have to be as indepth as the succubus and how she has an insane amount of side dialogue, but more input from your monster summons, even if they are just 'The dragon tilts his head funny at a certain situation'. Or the manticore growling at a threatening situation. Etc. I'd see something like that and be like 'Oh look, that's different'. Even small stuff like that might be kinda pain in the rear though.

I'm curious what sort of stuff you were adding anyway, if you're willing to slip the basics out?

Umbral Soul

Phenomenal game.

Umbral Soul

Oopsies double post
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