A newbie game-developer just trying to have some fun and get to know some new skills. I love playing new games and am a big RPG fan in general. I'm also a writer and editor by trade. Oh, and I make comics.



[RMMZ] How Do I Change the Main Menu's Font Size?

It's the "contents" variable within a Window object (which is, itself, an instance of a Bitmap object) that controls the font. So, you could, in theory, try something like...

//aliased method
win_batlog_init = Window_BattleLog.prototype.initialize;
Window_BattleLog.prototype.initialize = function(rect) {
  win_batlog_init.apply(this, rect);
  self.contents.font.size = $gameSystem.mainFontSize();

...this? I might have meager understanding of things, but, this is what it should be doing anyway. Unless the size of the font is dictated in a plug-in parameter?

Just to be sure, by Window object, you mean to put that code somewhere in rmmz_windows.js, right?

A friend helped me solve the problem. I went through system 2 again and this time, after starting a new game in playtesting, it fit properly.

Writer and Editor For Hire!

Hi! I'm Juneberry, also known as Jaluna Rolik. Before I'm a game dev (though I'm certainly also that), I'm an editor and a writer. I'd like to offer my services. If you'd like a writing sample, I can either send you one I already have or write a custom one based on a prompt you give me. For editing, well... You can send me an editing test of some sort if you'd like, or just take my word that I know what I'm doing.

Please feel free to PM me to discuss price (if any), samples needed, etc.

[RMMZ] How Do I Change the Main Menu's Font Size?

I've tried googling, lurking the forums, etc., but I can't find an answer, so...

I'm using RPGMaker MZ, and employ a number of plugins from VizuStella. I don't know if this is a matter of a plugin adjustment or an in-project adjustment that needs to be made.

I use the Combat Log plugin, amongst others. But, when I changed the font of my game, the font size was too large, and so the name "Combat Log" doesn't appear on the button in the main menu to call the scene unless you hover over it with your mouse.

I've tried finding the code for it in a multitude of places:
-The Combat Log plugin JS code
-The Main Menu Core plugin JS code
-The Battle Core plugin JS code
-The standard Windows JS code
-The standard Scenes JS code

I looked in all of those and couldn't find the code I needed to edit to make the text in the main menu smaller. Can someone tell me where the code is? And, if possible, what it is? I may be missing something as someone who can't code their way out of a paper bag...

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

I play a lot of games at once...on different systems.

On Computer:
-100% Orange Juice
-Homework Salesman

On 3DS:
-Solitaire 5 in 1
-Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
-Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley
-Mario Kart 7

On Kindle:
-Kuri Pets
-The Blockheads
-Dino Pets
-Tiny City
-Kingdoms and Lords
...you guys get the point of my randomness right?

Another Berry Awkward Introduction Thread!

I'm trying really hard not to giggle over the great advice and entertaining ways of getting it...And your name, BowelMovement. Because I have the mind of a five year old and find anything about that entertaining.

Thank you all for making my entry here both warmly welcoming and really fun. xP

Another Berry Awkward Introduction Thread!

The puns...Too much fun! *flails and falls out of tree*

Lurking scripts to decide what I should include in my attempt. So far, super confused...But not afraid! Er, much.

Thanks :D For now I'm mostly just literally lurking scripts and sort of marking down my favorites in case I think they'll be useful or just because they have a neat idea. Lurking is oddly useful, y'know?

Another Berry Awkward Introduction Thread!

Thanks for the tips, blindmind! Yeah, everyone has to start somewhere. The hard part...is figuring out what direction to go in. I wonder if there's a proper order to doing things. When to add scripts, how many of a type of item should exist...All sorts of stuff to think about. As a person with no ability to make decisions normally . I shall look forward to lots of learning, improvement and garnering help and happiness from new friends here!

Another Berry Awkward Introduction Thread!

Hiya person who doesn't bit hard but still bites xD Seriously though, thanks for the welcome :D

I'm still learning as I go, so to speak. I've had RMVXA for about a month or so now . Funny fact, I got Character Game Hub for my birthday way earlier in the year...So now it has a use other than my random love of making characters and such. :D

So far it's pretty easy to get through. I'm constantly playtesting my work so I don't mess up event to event. I think so far the hardest part is things like...My lack of a memory and making the enemies vs battlers even overall? That and again, my lack of memory. And by that I mean I personally have the memory of a goldfish.

Another Berry Awkward Introduction Thread!

Kentona, I don't know what you're talking about. Where I live they grow wild and are called Juneberries. o.o; They're related to/basically sugar plums. Also sorta like a blueberry.

And thanks for the warning Craze.
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