Poetry Thread
It was recently pointed out to me that if I kept posting individual poems in the forum that it could get crowded. That being said I'm starting this thread with the hopes that it will be easy to keep track of everyone's works. Feel free to post if you want.
The Thief (a poem)
The Thief
by Johnfakler on Aug 9, 2010. © John Fakler, All rights reserved
I pass through locks with great ease
I can do whatever I please
No door can hinder me
No one will ever see
I could rob the rich man blind
Never to be confined
Even if you saw my face
You will never end this race
In plain sight I disappear
The government cannot draw near
Every night I send a note
I feel the need to gloat
To the ones from whom I stole
I still retain control
I made the sheriff resign
I broke even his mind
Set for life I still advance
You cannot stop this dance
by Johnfakler on Aug 9, 2010. © John Fakler, All rights reserved
I pass through locks with great ease
I can do whatever I please
No door can hinder me
No one will ever see
I could rob the rich man blind
Never to be confined
Even if you saw my face
You will never end this race
In plain sight I disappear
The government cannot draw near
Every night I send a note
I feel the need to gloat
To the ones from whom I stole
I still retain control
I made the sheriff resign
I broke even his mind
Set for life I still advance
You cannot stop this dance
Importing resources
I have a lot of resources that I want to import to rm2k3 is it possible to do more than one at a time for example move an entire folder and if so how
Humanity's Requiem(A poem)
Humanity's Requiem
on May 9, 2010. © John Fakler, All rights reserved
Abandon hope for families betray
life stops while death floods emotions destruct
lightning strikes disease ridden orphans burn
guns blaze destroying lives of countless men
chains bind the soul politics deceive all
the grave call none can ignore fates summons
promises shatter as lightning destroys
the heart toils in unending slavery-
in the end, deception is eternal
on May 9, 2010. © John Fakler, All rights reserved
Abandon hope for families betray
life stops while death floods emotions destruct
lightning strikes disease ridden orphans burn
guns blaze destroying lives of countless men
chains bind the soul politics deceive all
the grave call none can ignore fates summons
promises shatter as lightning destroys
the heart toils in unending slavery-
in the end, deception is eternal
rm2k3 battle system help
Just recently I started using rm2k3. The problem being I don't like the battle system it currently uses. Could someone please help with something more along the lines of a standard turn based battle system. I don't really want to hit with one character twice in a row or be hit twice in a row by one enemy if that makes more sense.