
Poke Pearl\Diamond-Battle Question

Been wondering for a while about this and was wondering if anyone else out there wondered about it or has found out, but you can get special Pokemon with special move sets from Pokemon battle revolution, and put them onto your DS Pearl\Diamond game, but you can't send more then 1 of each kind over. Does anyone know if you can send them over again if you trade them off? Be nice to know if I have a never ending supply of trade able surfing Pikachu's lol...

DnDish Game?

I'd like to do an DnDesk Game(I wont be following any books or any specialized rules like that :-P )but wanna make sure people would actually be up for it? If so I'll add onto the post on what it shall contain\your quest. If you hate the idea, please just stick with torches, no more flamethrowers *hides under a rock*

Now that I have at least two people I can begin the game(more people may join as we go along just simple make a join request Out of Character with your chars name ect and I'll play you in :). As for those already here, I'm aiming this game at tech between crossbows and mechs, guns and such are allowed but lazer cannons, mech, ect just haven't been developed yet. Swords and other weapons are more advance magic enhanced ect. You can choose to have a class (very open on this) or none at all.

As for your quest, a large and noble towns Matron has been kidnapped, and being your the heroic sort(or greedy), you've agreed to save her and claim the reward. The villages point passed the fields and giant mountains and deep dark forest in the distance to a huge ominous castle in the distance. To where shes being kept. They know not what evils await you, but simply that they received a message from a possessed dead towns persons body from that castle saying they will never have her back for she is now the queen of the evil lord of the castle.

Let me know what your using ect, aka if you got a rocket launcher its got ammo how much your carrying, armor ect so I can take that into account in battle instances.
If you don't understand why something occurred simple ask OOC and i can explain.
Have fun :).

Elementalish Chipset?

I've been trying to find a World Map chipset for rm2k3 with a lot of elements mixed in that blends decently. I'd like it to have desert or volcanic and iceish areas forests ect, just a big mix of elements with decent structures. Only ones I've come across don't blend well(or at all, sometimes coming out really bad >>) If anyone could point me somewhere that might help I'd appreciate it, thanks for your time.

Skill points?

I read what i could of the 'skill point' tutorial in the sticky but it didn't look like it had anything to do with skill points at all, just experience and stats from what i could see wich is different then skills. I want to be able to make a hidden value of some kinda that is added to every time a hero lvls up so i can in-turn have that hero go to a skill tree(wich is rather easy to make once i have the hidden value) to spend the points.
Can someone help me out with this or point me in the right direction? Thanks.

I'm here to learn and create!

Hi I'm new here(obviously) and I'm here to learn my way around RPG MAKER and turn around and create games with it. I've used programs like the map editors in Starcraft and Warcraft 3 so I've got a general idea of what I'm doing, but still learning quite a bit.
Cya all around

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