Well I'm a first time RPG maker user and is just Interested in everything that has to do with game making. Scripting, music editing, mapping, sprite creation, everything. I don't however know much just trying to learn as much as I can. Using RPG maker VX ACE, and with that hoping to make good emotional games, I'm a video editer so I'm trying to make my games like a movie with of course game play. Hopefully it all works out.


Slender Man

Anyone ever play a game call Slender Man? It's supposedly one of the scariest games made. I've seen videos on youtube and it looks pretty stupid but can't help and be curious. I've been looking for it everywhere to download and play it but can't find it anywhere. Anyone know where to download it????????

Can anyone please explain how to do a side view battle system

Hi i'm new to all this but getting by okay with all the tutorials and stuff, but i can't seem to find the right script for the side view battle system. I'm using Ace, so maybe that's the reason or maybe i'm doing something wrong. Oh and also need to find batters to make the side view battle system to work i guess?? Can anyone help me please??


Hello My name is null and i've always wanted to make my owe game I'm messing around with RPG maker VX right now but it's just the trial. I guess i'm just trying to get my feet wet if you know what i mean. I understand that RPG maker VX ace came out and I'm fixing to buy that for sure. I'm really new at this like bad it's pretty easy to understand thou events and event placements and stuff, it's the scripts that kick my @ss. Haha Looking to learn about scripts and what makes them tick. Anywyas I love RPG's I'm a finel fantasy fan, and love music. Music is a big part of my life and would like to show it in my games once I really get into making them and uploading for everyone to check out. I've got some good ideas and hope to see them come true and I'm sure you all will enjoy them anyways thanks for reading if you've fot this far.
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