I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.



Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

Spoilers: First time mafia players are going to make mistakes. Don't feel bad, it's kind of hard to get into. I feel like Wes & Uni are getting a hang of it for sure.

Yeah, you guys have been improving right in front of me. It's so cool to observe.

Also, Heheh, guys, remember my first game here...? That was a good time xD

And that's pretty much all I can post because I have to head back to school now and I don't have nearly enough time to read all the new posts, it's too much right now. I have to get to reading as soon as I'm off.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

It's true that Gourd and I are masons and that I am the Vigilante.

We were talking about my Night PM (which gourd also recieved, due to an error) in our separate chat and role claimed because it made it seem like Jeroen seem extremely suspicious. Like gourd said, Jeroen was dragging along a body, and the wording implied it was a dead body.

Well yeah, I was dragging Majora.

He was dragging me at one point, I was saying you guys might have seen him dragging someone else by chance. However, I find that extremely unlikely.

It turns out, however, that it was not a dead body, but just Majorican being role-blocked. Since Cave has somehow interacted with Jeroen last night as well, there's a reasonable explanation as to why I failed to shoot Jeroen.

I suppose, now that Jeroen managed to successfully stun Majoracan King, while the assassin was still able to kill someone in that same night, we know more or less for sure that Majoracan is not the Assassin.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

Since the day is going to end tomorrow at 7am for me,I have to drop my vote right here and now before I get to sleep. I'm voting for Majoracan King, and here's why:

1) He appearances have been strikingly passive. For whatever reason, he adopted the stratagy to avoid negative attention rather than help town
2) His refusal to vote for Ivory (although correct on paper) seems more like an attempt to gain stature than an attempt to help town.l It's quite likely that he was just trying to gain reputation by not voting for someone who he knew was town.
3) His misinterpretation of his Night phase PM could be an attempt to confuse town or (successfully) draw out a roleclaim.


On that note, what the heck it roleblocking?

This is something that you can just Google. I know that there are people that really do play this way when they are town (hi wildwes), but even then it's at least partially an act.
In this case, I'm more inclined to say that he's saying this sneakily to appear like he is vanilla. Which, in all likelihood, he is not. I doubt that Liberty would have activated the Medicine if he didn't have any abilites to be blocked to begin with.

#Lynch MajoracanKing

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

Jeroen, what is your opinion on Majoracan King?

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

@Sooz I think, currently, the bestest Festival Queen would be C4VE_D0G_IS_b4CK, who is also serial killer and the Tenkai Star.

this is true, although not the words i would choose. disgenuine is not even a word, in fact (someone schooled me on something similar once and i got mad)

Yeah, you're right, thanks for pointing that out to me. I meant to say 'disingenuous'. I would not be able to write that word without spelling check.

It probably is a good idea to write cases for these two with arguments for and against, so I'll get to that. Currently, I'm very mixed on Suna in particular.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

Getting past the sexy wink thing (we can always come back to that later) this question needs to be answered: do we try to seek out the cause behind the massive loss of property, or do we move on to keep looking for the assassin, what would be more fruitful for the town and the festival?

The more I look at this post, the more it feels disgenuine and pretentious.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

My thoughts today fall in line with those of Unity and Wildwes in their previous posts. So far the behavior of Ilan and Pianotm fits the profile of new, insecure townies quite well.

I think Ilan is probably a bit more suspicious because Pianotm has actually been playing a bit more aggresively, whereas Ilan has been very conceding. Now (as last game has clearly illustrated) it is possible for the Mafia to take the aggressive approach, but I'm still not really expecting that behavior here. Especially since there is only of them. I'm expecting that the mafia is planning to avoid any conflict right now, and isn't getting under anyone's skin.

On that note, I think Majorican King has been playing very passively. His substantial posts are far and few between, and in them, he's displayed a tendency to avoid confronting others players.

He also avoided the Ivory lynch yesterday. I'm pretty sure that was just to make sure no one would blame him, which is very timid behavior. It looks like he really doesn't want to draw any attention to himself, which I find find kind of suspicious- because it would make sense for an Assassin to play like that.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

I'm a little bothered by all this talk so far of tenkai star association. Being a write off star like a lover is a pretty weak ass bluff or a really shitty cover from the assassin. You've basically eliminated yourself from both our lists, and anyone revealing like that would have broken the rules and been modkilled.
Therefore, it must be a lie.
#lynch pianotm

Broken which rules? As far as I know it isn't against the rules to reveal your star or role, it's just recommended that you don't.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

So we have a role that destroys items, and one that steals them...

Neither of those powers sounds particularly town.

If either of them is town, it would be the Item Thief. I could see that role being somewhat useful for town, or at least not very destructive. The one that destroys items, however, is almost never good for town. My guess is that the latter is either used by the assassin -or an indie- or belongs to a townie that HAS to use it to stay alive or use their abilities.

That being said, I don't think the assassin is limited to just one ability right? Maybe he can destroy AND steal an item every night. That's not that outrageous.

*I just read the new posts*

Multiple items missing? That's odd. So we're either dealing with multiple people who have item disruption, a disrupter with multiple targets and abilities (?) or maybe an set of items that give people the ability to destroy and steal other people's items?

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

before you reveal anything, ask yourself: how does this help town, in any way, to have this information.

If I could have a status bellow my avatar, I would make it this.

Often, revealing information helps the Mafia more than it does town, so it's best to keep quiet.

Frankly, I find Shinan's inquiry into everyone's items is a bit odd. Is there any reason he would that piece type of information?

Since I don't think throwing the information about the items out there is helpful to town, I question what other motive is behind his inquiry. 'He was trying to appear helpful to alleviate the suspicion he's under' seems like an okay explanation.

In the other hand... one of my items was destroyed last night, so I'm assuming there is some role out there that sabotages items.

Such a role could technically be town, but it would be a pretty bad town role since the items I've encountered so far can only be used against the Assassin and would be pretty bad for the assassin him/herself.