I am a full-time resident of the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica where fellow scientists and engineers and I are making the Ollimio game in order to uncover the true meaning of life.
Protect the Labyrinth!




This is some impressive work! It'll definitely lead to some interesting battles visuals. I'd recommend making the gun bounce in at least one frame, though!
Yep! Definitely, the gun is the only part that doesn't move!

Is the weapon based on what you have equipped?
yes, thats the plan!

Ollimio Review

Im sure there are plenty of programs that can read a seamless mp3, its just that rpgmaker2003 is not one of those. Im no expert on programming (if I was I wouldnt be using first place aaaa) but I remember when I was helping El-Sato out with his Pikakiri game back in 2011 he also had mentioned that looping was also an issue without using a special .dll written for Game Maker because as it turns out, mp3 is not a nice format to loop, even after tweaking out any silence with Audacity or Goldwave or whatever you use to match the waveform up because its not a problem with the file itself, just how everything else handles that format. Im guessing the 1/2 second silence happens while rpg2003 unloads and loads the song to play again.

Maplestory had this problem, and they since then started using vorbis for their tracks but they did something different beforehand: rather than try to loop the music, ...they simply did not. Instead, after the song ran its 2:22, it would fade out and play the song again, which works FINE and honestly thats what Ive been doing for overworld music because its better to do that instead of have an unreasonable filesize.

I read somewhere that vorbis support might be added to the steam version of rpg2003, but I have seen no evidence beyond that claim

Ollimio Review

oh man... ...if there IS a way to get rpg2003 to support vorbis, LET ME KNOW Id be all over that 100%

and yeah Id say the major thing that has this project tasseled is the fact that there is no Vorbis support. The reason I've done .WAV for the demo is because that's really the only format that supports seamless looping since it's not reading the file by frames, unlike .mp3 which does exactly that.

I wont even acknowledge midi.


I can't wait to try the demo when it comes out. :] I love the look of it, very charming. I'm interested to see where this goes.

With all the custom mechanics and graphics, Any interest in a custom battle system for the game?

For the most part the battle system will remain the same, but I've frankensteined some things into it to make it less annoying.


added to replace ugly thumbnail


subscribed hope this isn't dead


Post your Music

GBA instruments are perfect for Ollimio and I wouldnt have it any other way
Spicy Salsa


Looks cool, I'll follow this.

By the way, are those Zelda Minish Cap graphics?

inspirationally; but by no means are these the final graphics regardless
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