

Dimensions of 2 or 3?

If it's worth money I'll pay money.

I've seen and bought a fair share of commercial rpg maker games and all but one of them was fucking trash.

If you do go the commercial route, just make it worth the price I pay for it. (cause im gonna buy it. your games are good.)

As for my preference, I like 2D.

Vacant Sky Complete Edition: Act II+ Now Available

gahhh. Man, more time was spent on beta testing Act II+ than any of the previous releases. How did all this crap slip through?

i have more, you know. i'm not reporting small things.

1. the accuracy formula makes my head hurt. 232 ACC auria is still having problems hitting hunter fiends consistently in dodge mode. i'm in legendary mode, though. probably comes with the "god help you" message.
2. using provoke on an enemy with counter is basically giving them a free turn. their provoked attacks do not trigger your own counter.
3. mass provoke on fiends says they're immune but they still hit the provoker.
4. Labarren doesnt work on your allies. or the success rate is so low that 5 casts of it nobody was ever affected by it.
5. Lasleep doesnt work. no immune messages, never a sleeping foe
6. Second Wind is usable once.... and then never again apparently.
7. Tough Cookie doesn't work. In red health, got crit.
8. hitting retry... ? i dont know how to explain this one. i got a game over against an archfiend and got set to party level 7 with all of my skill points eaten with just ravage learned.. fighting 2 bandits. which is what i was doing like 2 hours ago. made plenty saves since then. this is kinda random

Vacant Sky Complete Edition: Act II+ Now Available

some questions:
1. are "eyes of the hawk" and "draconic longevity" quested skills or something?
2. are you not meant to have retaliate until 12 even though the level req is 6?
3. shouldn't the single target status spells be learned first?

1. revenge doesn't do bonus damage in counter mode.
2. none of the techniques are outdamaging normal attacks.
3. ravage isnt gaining power at all.
4. counter is still bugged. sometimes if you kill an enemy with counter, it skips the enemy phase.

Vacant Sky Complete Edition: Act II+ Now Available

also the level cap is still screwy. auria is still capable of infinite stats.

even though the party is capped to level 5, she still "levels up", gains 12 stat points and they transfer into act 2.

Vacant Sky Complete Edition: Act II+ Now Available

silver watch still doesnt make the wearer act first in battle

Complete Edition Progress Report!

Vacant Sky Complete Edition: Act I+ Now Available

ok now some bug reports and questions.

1. The skip cutscene feature is really buggy. If you skip the scene where auria and her mom talk she ends up walking snailpace until after "the event". not a big one but annoying nonetheless. if you skip the scene when you first talk to the creepy old guy in the hall of legends you end up facing north always and cannot turn, which makes it so you cannot talk to the guy on the bridge and have to reset

2. I don't really know how to classify this. You can keep leveling after 5 and your characters will gain their new skills, you get the 12 spendable points but nobody gets their level up stat boosts. is this intended?

3. Option > Return to title starts a new game.
4. (intended?) F12 closes the game instead of returning you to title.
5. counter is bugged. if the enemy attacks your counter person and you attack with them, your entire team's phase is skipped and the enemy attacks again. similarly (though it could be intended), if you attack an enemy with counter and they counter attack you lose the rest of your allies turns as it skips to the next enemy's turn.
6. Silver Watch doesn't do anything

Vacant Sky Complete Edition: Act I+ Now Available

pretty good.

hope the next 2 acts are longer, though.

start really getting into it and bam.. credits roll

File Size? Is It Important?

i dont give a shit about file size.

i download gigs of stuff every day

Complete Edition Progress Report 2

still on act 2? or 3?
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