

The Top RM Games Of All Time

oh god a zombie

it's cool to read that. are you talking about the frying bear's review? idk that game stuck out to me as memorable because (c/p what i said somewhere else):

You just got kicked off from a KOF arcade cabinet by some kid bigger than you. You decide to go home and eat pizza while watching badly dubbed kung fu movies. You slowly pass out as Jackie Chan does a spinning backflip and dream about this game.

i think that was the only game that bothered to have onscreen battlers while making stuff up like you're using a phantom double of yourself or something. i barely remember. but yeah dude hope your post rm life is good.

Haha, thanks yeah it was that frying bear review, it just didn't seem like constructive criticism to me, I seriously doubt he played the whole game either, and I even included a skip battle item to circumvent a flaw of all turn based battles whatever their provenance - sooner or later they all get boring.

It wasn't that complex to play but that battle system took a hell of a lot of work for me to develop and I think it was one of the only RM2K games at the time to have battle animations for both characters and enemies - certainly a more dynamic experience than a slash animation on a passive slime.

Though I accept the game has flaws, I felt presentation wise at least it was one of the more impressive and consistent games out there with, albeit intentionally, quite basic gameplay and a story that improved as the game went on, at least in my opinion.

Life is good and getting the latest version of RPG maker on Steam a while back made me even think about another project, but time isn't on my side, so we'll see.

Anyway, thanks for helping keep the game out there, it's much appreciated.

The Top RM Games Of All Time

@rhb84 I could only find precious little info about Retsu Arashi: Psychic Storm. Do you happen to know the engine/developer/year it was made? If you do, then that would be fantastic.
RM2K, Skyman07, 2005

I can verify that the above is correct.

There isn't much information about the game as I didn't really promote it enough, just finishing it took a load out of me, and then one frankly unfair and negative review which was unfortunately the number one google search for it demotivated me to the point that I just left it out there hoping at least some people would enjoy it.

So some 10 years later doing a google search I'm surprised and pleased to see that it's still out there and being better regarded than I thought it would. It's inspired me to make an account here and to share a little information about it.

For what it's worth I replayed it very recently and I think it holds up pretty well. Of course it has many flaws in terms of pacing, grammar, spelling, etc, and the battle system wasn't actually that fun and somewhat repetitive, but it's still a complete and custom made game in every sense and I'm proud of it.

Seeing as it's pretty much 10 years old now I might make a topic about its creation along with some previously unseen things related to it, and even though I started making it on Windows98 it works perfectly on Windows7 (and I assume Windows8) so maybe some more people can get a chance to check it out.

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