Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
author=Orias_Obderhodedual core 3ghz intel 4gb ram geforce 210 w/1gb and 2nd machine AMD 2.8ghz quad core 6gb ram geforce640 w/2gb both have video grind to a halt there. The intel's a windows 7 PC, other has XP (its actually my linux box but I tossed XP on a spare HDD on it).
are you playing on a pretty decent computer?
I also just encountered a set of bugs after revising Cardial to find the instructions for Esrarch tower. I read the plaque, wrote down what it said, when back to the down....And it did not work. So I went back to check the plaque and verify I wrote it down correctly and could not get off the raft in the cave...I exit and the map is re-flooded and I can get back into the tower that I'm not supposed to be able to. I can't get off the raft in it, but normally I get a message saying I have no reason to enter instead of an area change. Reloading my save back in Cardial to go re-read that plaque now...
Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
author=RoyHe cast it every other turn for me and did resistance a few rounds after I killed the left starfish which from what Orias said must have been 10th round. I think was a bit overleveled at the time because I had milked the well demons for iron ore for a long time before moving on. I hadn't seen it drop from any other monster so I guessed it would be rare for quite awhile.
Hmmmmm out of the battles Ive fought, all he has done is cast is HEALUS and only every 4-5 turns....maybe I am simply having bad luck.
Plus I am just whining.
I was using bang till starfish died, then switched to ice attacks on the whale mage. I didn't have the resistance rings Orias suggested, those will cut your damage down. If you have to, you could try to just bring a lot of heal items and keep yourself alive till resistance is cast.
Is the one your trying to kill getting healed at all? You might be unlucky with that and that's why its taking so long to get one dead. Or my memory is faulty (I just seem remember something on the monster's side casting a heal once or twice).
Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
author=Orias_ObderhodeThe empty town in the present I'm supposed to help rebuild is slow motion for me. So bad that I could not tell I was moving at all, when I press key for the menu the screen suddenly jumps to where I actually was.
The Treasure Game should be the only map that slows down and luckily it is optional, but it is nice to get some of the prizes from it.
Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
Oh thank heavens. That last set was driving me bonkers. I actually managed to time my last run such that I made it all the way to the very last fan before they clicked back on. I didn't think to check if anything changed after killing that dragon.
I liked that you used fans instead of DQ4 style slide tiles btw. :)
I liked that you used fans instead of DQ4 style slide tiles btw. :)
Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
Last few Mt. Lyndbaum cavern fans are eeevil. That is all.
@Roy: defend when the game gives you the warning.
@Roy: defend when the game gives you the warning.