RMN sex symbol
Among Thieves
Go on a journey to clear your name



Post yourself thread!

Yes this is all I contribute to this website anymore, dumb shit haha. But yeah, let's see what you all look like or even just cool photos you've taken of the real world!


Fuck Tomas, go get that beer son!


I actually really loved the re-imagining of Chiopu in LSR & this looks just as great!

RMN Drama Advisory System

I remember when WIP almost took down RMN haha, good times!

Just a friendly reminder to back up your game. Like right now, do it.

Sucks for you, I don't have a game to back up... What am I even doing here

Misao = Fin

I voted MOM get off my back... I'll clean my room later!!!


Nah, the original game was all Rm2k RTP & came out like 2001 or something. I'm guessing the character was just placed there to showcase the excellent map by Deckiller.

Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

That would be the RTP 1.32 or whatever you need then. You could always just open the game up in RM2k Kyle & find the answer you need?

Also does anyone have the 2k3 version of Evania?

My game is one of the top sold games with RPG Maker tag on Steam.

U gUyz ArR alL jUsT JeALoUs ofF hiM #Tuomogang4lyfe