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Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

Anyone have Utopian Chaos 1 & 2?


Yeah, this looks super nice. Steps seem a bit blurry though? Also the bottom of the walls connecting to the grass just looks too clean cut.

I miss when I was passionate and devoted to game development

People can still feel like that?

Post yourself thread!

Cat looks like it's gonna murder me haha.


I hope this games still being made.

[RM2K3] Hello, Aethiriat Games here

Share pics of cute pets in the post yourself thread in welp! Also that's a lot of pets haha. Welcome, Rm2k3 is still king haha

Old/Lost RpgMaker Games - SegNin's Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

I will compose for your chill game/Scifi game.

Hazaa, a composer! But yeah samples will get you jobs and yes I did comment just to make a dumb ass joke.

More like Inactive Edition, amirite?

Wish I could help you out with this game honestly but I barely remember how to use Rm2k3 at this point.

Legion Saga III Review

The duels are exactly the same though? I'd say it just looks better, more animated in this game. But again, that's from progress & skill of the creator as time passed haha.

Army battles for sure though. Did you equip the walking speed orb? That's the funniest thing, this game never initially had bugs, it was the updates to it after that added bugs haha