Your my Princess and I'm your Servant
The cruel fate has seperated us
If I were the one who protects you,
I shall be your one and only devil
Arcana Soul
Can you stop Satan and save the world?


Suggestions needed

I need your(I mean all of you who are reading this post) suggestion:

1.i'm making a game.and I'm quite confused. What should I name it? any suggestion?
Arcana _________. <----- Write you answer here

2.There's gonna be a Final Fantasy X-like battle system in my game(overdrive). I'm can't decide which faceset i will use for my battle system



You can suggest something else

Mugen Character

Is there anyone here capable of making Mugen Chacater?

Hello the fellow RPG maker and gamer

Hello, sorry for the late introduction
My name is The_Messiah. You can call me Messiah or Messi(I don't really called this way though)
I more likely a RPG gamer than a maker(because I have planned a game for 1 years now and it hasn't finished). I would be happy if there someone give me an advice. It a pleasure to meet you all.

Picture formating problem

We know that we can only import .bmp,.png and .xyz picture to our game right?
I tried to import a png formated picture, but it turn out to be a "Unsuported PNG picture"
and then i tried a bmp formated picture, but has a "Invalid color depth"
And I change the picture through paint into a 265(or 256?)color bitmap, but the picture became a SH*T like picture
and i don't know how to change a picture into a XYZ format.
Do you have any advice? please?
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