How about we DONT duplicate sprites now... sav'vy?
Okay, I feel really stupid for even having this question, but...
I implemented the "get a room with all your party members in them" feature, but then I was being all... "what kind of crazy things could the gamer do to exploit this that I may not have forseen?"
So I switched the order of my're looking at two of the same character onscreen now. It is awkward.
I was thinking of having an auto teleport after you make a party and just disabling the main menu for that room, but then I realized I would have that problem throughout the library, which is kind of used as an HQ of sorts, where everyone wanders around and you can talk to them for advice, items, or various weird functions I'm trying to assign them.
And I'd ALSO have this awkwardness every time there is a scene in which you can see your party members...cause if you happen to have that one in the lead it's like WTF?!!
And I really wanna have the ability to switch the lead to whoever you'd like, I dont wanna take that out.
I notice there is a 'change sprite association' option, but no generic "change hero sprite association". Does anyone know how to do that so that for as long as you're in the place I can have an auto event or something that keeps your graphic to the default one regardless of who is in front?
I really dont want to have to make 12 pages per event from now on for all the various characters you could have in your party to make sure it doesnt happen.
Thanks in advance to whoever can help. I'm confused. v.v
I implemented the "get a room with all your party members in them" feature, but then I was being all... "what kind of crazy things could the gamer do to exploit this that I may not have forseen?"
So I switched the order of my're looking at two of the same character onscreen now. It is awkward.
I was thinking of having an auto teleport after you make a party and just disabling the main menu for that room, but then I realized I would have that problem throughout the library, which is kind of used as an HQ of sorts, where everyone wanders around and you can talk to them for advice, items, or various weird functions I'm trying to assign them.
And I'd ALSO have this awkwardness every time there is a scene in which you can see your party members...cause if you happen to have that one in the lead it's like WTF?!!
And I really wanna have the ability to switch the lead to whoever you'd like, I dont wanna take that out.
I notice there is a 'change sprite association' option, but no generic "change hero sprite association". Does anyone know how to do that so that for as long as you're in the place I can have an auto event or something that keeps your graphic to the default one regardless of who is in front?
I really dont want to have to make 12 pages per event from now on for all the various characters you could have in your party to make sure it doesnt happen.
Thanks in advance to whoever can help. I'm confused. v.v
Talents/Hobbies/Redeeming Qualities of Some Sort
Well I saw a thread complaining about this place dying in usage. SO I figured I would strike conversation with an open ended topic that could end god knows where in a few days. *shrug*
So, what kind of talents/hobbies do you guys have? Er...well let's keep it kinda clean, if you run the "tape people doing naughty things to llamas" industry I don't really wanna know...
And no I have no idea if there is such an industry but humans are sick so I'll be there is. v.v First person to google it gets fifty Dopefish points. X.x;
Um, well this is gonna sound lame but I like to sing and I wanna get outta school and be a vocalist. I was in a camp this summer where we did a bunch of Broadway stuff and I had no idea how fun it was till I did it there. o.0;;
I like to draw and write a lot. I don't think I'm a really good artist, personally. I haven't drawn anything I can say I'm 100% happy with after staring at it for an hour. I'm trying to not suck drawing people, currently, but I think I can draw some decent wolves by now. *points to avi*
Writing, on the other hand, I think I'm pretty damn good at, which comes in handy when you have a really boring project to write at school and find a loophole that lets you write about something totally stupid and hillairious. (My teachers have since learned to be very specific.)
If you wanna see the kinda stuff I draw/write I have a deviantART here;
Umm...and those are about the only redeeming qualities I think I have. Your turn! ^.^
So, what kind of talents/hobbies do you guys have? Er...well let's keep it kinda clean, if you run the "tape people doing naughty things to llamas" industry I don't really wanna know...
And no I have no idea if there is such an industry but humans are sick so I'll be there is. v.v First person to google it gets fifty Dopefish points. X.x;
Um, well this is gonna sound lame but I like to sing and I wanna get outta school and be a vocalist. I was in a camp this summer where we did a bunch of Broadway stuff and I had no idea how fun it was till I did it there. o.0;;
I like to draw and write a lot. I don't think I'm a really good artist, personally. I haven't drawn anything I can say I'm 100% happy with after staring at it for an hour. I'm trying to not suck drawing people, currently, but I think I can draw some decent wolves by now. *points to avi*
Writing, on the other hand, I think I'm pretty damn good at, which comes in handy when you have a really boring project to write at school and find a loophole that lets you write about something totally stupid and hillairious. (My teachers have since learned to be very specific.)
If you wanna see the kinda stuff I draw/write I have a deviantART here;
Umm...and those are about the only redeeming qualities I think I have. Your turn! ^.^
Advanced Party Selection
Hey, I'm new here so I guess I'll just introduce myself a sec. My name is Val, and I work with RPG Maker 2k/2k3. My game is called the LMS Horror, I'm not going to go into the acronym at present. X.x; Long story. But the title is kind of ambiguous, and it isnt horror at all, its comedy.
Anyway, the game is coming smoothly so far. I know I'm posting for help here but I'm not an RM2k/3 n00b at all, I've been playing with it a year or so.
However, one thing really bothers me that I can't seem to figure out. I have a fairly large cast of characters, twelve to be exact. I've been trying to make a party select screen so you can use whoever you want. But as I'm sure you already figured out, that would look like;
<>Msg: Change Party?
<>[ShowChoice Yes/No
Yes Handler;
<>Msg: Add who?
No Handler]
And it would have to branch off to EVERY possible party combination you could ever have about four times. I dont feel like doing the math, and I certainly dont have to type out much more of an example than that to know how tedious that would be. We're talking the MOST massive text branch I could possibly imagine having the patience to make.
Now, my question is this... I've seen other peoples games with really sexy looking party select screens. I want something like that, definately. Now, how do I make one?
Bear in mind I'm not a complete n00b to RMK but I dont build computers either. v.v Just something basic will tide me over for right now until I have the knowledge to do something better.
The only guidelines to keep in mind;
~It's RM2k3.
~I need it to be able to handle having between 1 and 4 members, not neccesarily a mandatory 4, and would like some error message if you try to make a zero person party so that I can avoid a lot of glitches...
~I'd also LIKE to have it so that there is no 'main' character that is mandatory, so you can have whoever you want in front. This I am willing to be flexible with if it's too complicated.
~Some of the design interfaces look really cool in these games. I can draw whatever is neccesary myself (this is why having a graphics artist make the whole game is freakin awesome) but I have no idea how to implement any sort of non-basic-text-menu design. Again, flexible, as long as the above work, I can deal with this part being caveman.
I really hope someone here can help me with this. Everyone else kind of laughs and goes away or points me to Dons now nonexistant site and THEN laughs.
Thanks in advance! And if I missed any important info, lemme know!
Anyway, the game is coming smoothly so far. I know I'm posting for help here but I'm not an RM2k/3 n00b at all, I've been playing with it a year or so.
However, one thing really bothers me that I can't seem to figure out. I have a fairly large cast of characters, twelve to be exact. I've been trying to make a party select screen so you can use whoever you want. But as I'm sure you already figured out, that would look like;
<>Msg: Change Party?
<>[ShowChoice Yes/No
Yes Handler;
<>Msg: Add who?
No Handler]
And it would have to branch off to EVERY possible party combination you could ever have about four times. I dont feel like doing the math, and I certainly dont have to type out much more of an example than that to know how tedious that would be. We're talking the MOST massive text branch I could possibly imagine having the patience to make.
Now, my question is this... I've seen other peoples games with really sexy looking party select screens. I want something like that, definately. Now, how do I make one?
Bear in mind I'm not a complete n00b to RMK but I dont build computers either. v.v Just something basic will tide me over for right now until I have the knowledge to do something better.
The only guidelines to keep in mind;
~It's RM2k3.
~I need it to be able to handle having between 1 and 4 members, not neccesarily a mandatory 4, and would like some error message if you try to make a zero person party so that I can avoid a lot of glitches...
~I'd also LIKE to have it so that there is no 'main' character that is mandatory, so you can have whoever you want in front. This I am willing to be flexible with if it's too complicated.
~Some of the design interfaces look really cool in these games. I can draw whatever is neccesary myself (this is why having a graphics artist make the whole game is freakin awesome) but I have no idea how to implement any sort of non-basic-text-menu design. Again, flexible, as long as the above work, I can deal with this part being caveman.
I really hope someone here can help me with this. Everyone else kind of laughs and goes away or points me to Dons now nonexistant site and THEN laughs.
Thanks in advance! And if I missed any important info, lemme know!