
Hey, folks. Writer here. Excited to work on something.

Hello, RMN forums! I, as you can probably guess from the section of the forum and title, am new to this site, am very excited to get to know this community, and maybe work on a project or two with you all. I have experience writing in novel/novella format, screenplay format, and I have experience editing other people's work in both of these formats. So, if you want a fresh set of eyes to edit or give some critique for your story, dialogue, etc, I would love to help out. Send me a PM or something if you are interested.

Anyways, moving on, I have always loved video games with their unique way of conveying a story and their unique way of engaging their audience. I have always been interested in working on one myself, but unfortunately I have very little experience in programming languages and art, which has deterred me for a long time and kept me from pursuing it any further. However, fortunately, there is RPG Maker, which has led me here, to your lovely forums.

So yeah, to summarize, I am very interested in learning all about how video game story structure/design works. I look forward to getting to know the people of this forum and maybe work on something with you guys.
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