I identify more as a writer than a developer. I'm interested in creating games in order to advance my characterization and world-building skills, as well as give a new medium in which to explore the thoughts in my head.
New Developer Mapping Help Thread
Thanks all for the feedback. I fixed up the maps, now that I'm thinking about it I included the following as screenshots for the gallery.
Neither of these are in game maps, but were included based on the original maps for the game to provide a world map of sorts, could these shots be why I got the bland and empty response?
EDIT: Fixed Links. Damn Photobucket.
Neither of these are in game maps, but were included based on the original maps for the game to provide a world map of sorts, could these shots be why I got the bland and empty response?
EDIT: Fixed Links. Damn Photobucket.
New Developer Mapping Help Thread
Thank you for the advice LockeZ. As for the table in the dining room, it has become a source of frustration. The reason it's got that shape currently was it was the only way I've found to access the Wine event at the top of the table, while maintaining the various events that occur at the seat directly above. Any ideas?
New Developer Mapping Help Thread
I was sent here by a submission denial. I'm kind of confused as to how my maps are being considered bland and would appreciate some advice. I'm adding a few of the maps I have, from the most bland looking to the ones I've put considerable detail into. This game is a murder mystery game dealing with Ace Lite constraints, so many of the map details need to be strategically placed for maximum output.
I can see how this is considered bland. How can I update this without making it too busy, as the function of this map is more as a thoroughfare than an event room.
Same story here, meant as a connector.
There are a few more ideas I'd like to add here, however they are heavily dependent on clue finalization.
Dining Room
This is the opening room in the game. Where would this stand on the empty-overbearing spectrum.
The detail in this room was adding after my initial submission.
Thank you for looking at these images. I appreciate your advice.
I can see how this is considered bland. How can I update this without making it too busy, as the function of this map is more as a thoroughfare than an event room.
Same story here, meant as a connector.
There are a few more ideas I'd like to add here, however they are heavily dependent on clue finalization.
Dining Room
This is the opening room in the game. Where would this stand on the empty-overbearing spectrum.
The detail in this room was adding after my initial submission.
Thank you for looking at these images. I appreciate your advice.