Long time gamer, huge JRPG fan, first time user of RPG Maker. I bought the Humble Bundle for MV and a bunch of assets and its so fun making a game.
Atelier RGSS Weather EX Not Turning Off
Hey so I'm having trouble getting this plugin to work correctly. In the main village, I have the weather plugin blowing leaves around. In the world map, I have clouds moving. However, when I move from the village to the world map, the leaves blowing effect still continues instead of stopping and switching to the clouds effect.
Another similar issue is I only want one part of a town (park) to show leaves blowing and the rest of the town to not have any effects. When I go back to the park from any other parts of the town, the leaves no longer blow and just stays as blank weather.
This is the plugin
Another similar issue is I only want one part of a town (park) to show leaves blowing and the rest of the town to not have any effects. When I go back to the park from any other parts of the town, the leaves no longer blow and just stays as blank weather.
This is the plugin