There isn't much to say, really. I'm new on RPG Making and I'm looking forward to contribute (especially in writing). I enjoy listening to music, playing games and sleeping.



Video thread

Funny picture thread

Now, why would anyone have such a strange haircut?

In a seperate note, I found how to have unlimited energy.

And this is why Windows is awesome

Two minds were blown.

What are you thinking about right now?

(My dad questioning my sister's date)
Dad: You ever smoke pot?
Date: Yes sir, once, and I didn't like the way I felt out of control of my body.
Dad: Drink alcohol?
Date: For the same reasons I don't smoke I don't drink.
Dad: What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
Date: 42.
Dad: The first person to kidnap Princess Peach was…?
Date: Donkey Kong.
Dad: When the first Pokemon movie came out and Ash turned to stone?
Date: I cried like a bitch.


Funny picture thread

Funny picture thread

Ignore this post.
See the next one.


...Even McDonalds and Burger King? Ok, this is going to be a hard game.

What are you thinking about right now?

author=Yellow Magic
Just solved a recursion problem


These days, everybody does stuff like a boss. I mean, I just posted this


Funny picture thread

What are you thinking about right now?

Well, since Thoughts on Unexpected Events was rejected I'm going with An exercise in Randomness. Thanks for your opinions.