

Let's Play - KiYoKi - Parts 1, 2 and 3

Thanks for Let´s Play!!!!!!!


I've started a Let's Play for this game. Though, I probably won't collect all of the secret gems.

Thank you very much for playing my game! It really makes me very excited.

I mention some things.

-¿You will Finish the game complete?
-The Secret gems tried putting the very difficult, and why are optional (assumed to always have some "logic" to get them.) But still, are not easy to get them all.
-The Unlock special levels to get all the secret gems of the world, of course these levels are optional.

-pressing The "X" button on the menu levels, you'll go to a place where there are "achievements" if you want to try 100% of the game.

Thanks again for playing my game and also upload it to your YouTube channel.

Any questions you have, I will resolve it here.

[RMVX ACE] How to export an RPG maker VX Ace to play in android?

That is, as of today it is impossible to make games for android RPG Maker? :(

[RMVX ACE] How to export an RPG maker VX Ace to play in android?

In the play store I saw some games that seem to be created with RPG Maker, and informing a bit about it, I discovered that it is assumed that rpg maker vx ace can make your game work on android and put it in the play store. .

Doom & Destiny


How is this possible?

Pages: 1