

Lufia 3 Remake:I need some guidance

well either way hope Xbuster gets back to me. i'd like to talk to him over discord or some such about the project.

Lufia 3 Remake:I need some guidance

the last post was like, 7 days ago. the forum is slow enough, that's still at the top of page 1 of where it was posted. if that's necroposting, then any posts would count as necroposting :|

Lufia 3 Remake:I need some guidance

Xbuster, i'd like to talk about this and get on board. my email is dawnbomb@Gmail.com

i'm trying to contact you, so let me know if you get this, meanwhile i'll try to find your youtube or other ways to contact you

The Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

thank you very very much, its very fun to play, honestly more then the sequel.

extremely hard and especially difficult games?

Soul Shepardis really tough, just off the top of my head.

i started that, and i now remember beating it, it was pretty fun. anything else?

i'll give it another go tho, seems it was updated with another 12 hours of content, so why not.

but i hope some really hard stuff is posted here.

for those coming in looking for hard stuff, golden sun 1/2 had a mod made called fallen star and risen star drastically increasing the difficulty, making the games 85 classes and mid battle class changing more necessary, as well as adding tons of items and moves / spells.

The Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

looking for a old vx game i can't remember.

this was a rpg maker VX game, i don't think it was ace, probably 3-5 years old

at the beginning opening (this is just a pure game play game by the way) there was a option for a in development story, or some other mode. the story was obviously a after thought.

upon starting the main (not story mode) it asked for difficulty 1-10 and you went through floors of randomly generated with, at 10 difficulty, insanely hard enemies. your forced progression was due to a lack of items, and needing healing items and revives, otherwise you could grind, but enemies hit so hard it wasn't really viable.

the random floors looked like they were made with the default 'make a dungeon' thing in rpg maker, but with chests with random items. There was a boss every 3 or 5 floors, and that was it. I think you could also select how deep the dungeon was (15 floors, 30 floors, 50 floors..i don't remember)

i remember the chests could contain weapons your character couldn't use, i believe you could make a party out of maybe 11 classes the game had.

I don't recall if it allowed you to save your game, it might have...actually i think it did..but i can't remember. it also used what i'm pretty sure may have been almost only the default RTP graphics. it DEFINATLY did not use lots of custom graphics and music...i think.

also sorry for putting this here, i know theres a topic for old games and having people find them, but i couldn't find it, and where better then general discussion.

looking for a old VX game i can't remember

i'll post it there, anyone who knows would be useful tho. i'll still expect it on this


looking for a old VX game i can't remember

this was a rpg maker VX game, i don't think it was ace, probably 3-5 years old

at the beginning opening (this is just a pure game play game by the way) there was a option for a in development story, or some other mode. the story was obviously a after thought.

upon starting the main (not story mode) it asked for difficulty 1-10 and you went through floors of randomly generated with, at 10 difficulty, insanely hard enemies. your forced progression was due to a lack of items, and needing healing items and revives, otherwise you could grind, but enemies hit so hard it wasn't really viable.

the random floors looked like they were made with the default 'make a dungeon' thing in rpg maker, but with chests with random items. There was a boss every 3 or 5 floors, and that was it. I think you could also select how deep the dungeon was (15 floors, 30 floors, 50 floors..i don't remember)

i remember the chests could contain weapons your character couldn't use, i believe you could make a party out of maybe 11 classes the game had.

I don't recall if it allowed you to save your game, it might have...actually i think it did..but i can't remember. it also used what i'm pretty sure may have been almost only the default RTP graphics. it DEFINATLY did not use lots of custom graphics and music...i think.

also sorry for putting this here, i know theres a topic for old games and having people find them, but i couldn't find it, and where better then general discussion.

extremely hard and especially difficult games?

It doesn't have to be well designed, but it shouldn't be hard because of a bug or something (altho thats always fun)

I beat touhou labyrinth, yes, all 30 floors, and without cheat engine. it was a fun hell. also incase YOU didn't know, the 100% eng patch for labyrinth 2 is out, and not just a menu patch anymore.

I was on the nocturne boards cheering on the hardcore hack for nocturne, i to would also like to experience a hell within hell where the demons gather, mwhahaha~

any other game recommendations would be loved. there was one i can't find anymore, i'll maybe post for it in the rare / hard to find games section, i'll describe it here for the hell of it.

at the beginning opening (this is just a pure gameplay game by the way) there was a option for a in development story, or some other mode. the story was obviously a after thought. upon starting the main (not story mode) it asked for difficulty 1-10 and you went through floors of randomly generated with, at 10 difficulty, insanely hard enemies. your forced progresson was due to a lack of items, and needing healing items and revives, otherwise you could grind, but enemies hit so hard it wasn't really viable.

the random floors looked like they were made with the default 'make a dungeon' thing in rpg maker, also this with a rpg maker ace game. there was a boss every 3 or 5 floors, and that was it. i think you could also select how deep the dungeon was (15 floors, 30 floors, 50 floors..i don't remember)

extremely hard and especially difficult games?

what games would all of you say are particularly hard and extremely challenging, even to rage inducing amounts. i recently went through all the SMT games I had, along with a unknown mode tales, and want to see what rpg maker games really hit difficulty well.

as silly as it sounds, and while not extremely hard, I found princess princess (the game made to be a demo of VX ace) as more challenging then like 95% of rpg maker games, even if it was only like a 3 hour game.
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