Content creation (artistic)
author=Marrendauthor=jacobfishTo be fair (and honest), Clean Mode doesn't work. Since the most recent update (this blog), I've not gotten any of my custom characters that could use Clean Mode (Which boils down to "not Joruri".) to get past their INTRODUCE events. Until this is fixed, you have to keep Clean Mode disabled.
Hey, I'm new to content creation, and, for some reason, I can't play my story in Clean Mode? I don't have any other characters in the story!
As to when it will get fixed, man, I don't even know. I've looked at the code, and have gone "Darigaaz, where do I even start?", I'm not sure if Dozen wants to mess with it, and flowerthief has gone off the face of the universe (until proven otherwise).
Ok thanks for the info I just wasn't sure if i was doing something wrong.
Content creation (artistic)