


i don't leave the website really.
the problem is my game.
i have to make a new game.
it cost a few days when the game is ready :-\
if you want to get some information over my game,send me a message.


Who play Runescape

Who play Runescape

Who play Runescape

I Have 35 friends on runescape and i'm level 25
i come in the wilderniss and i see a ice warrior aaaaaaaaah!
i escaped.
it was simple.


I need a title for my game

I don't know a new title.
but some topic's give me a idea.
the new game in my head is:


Nice to meet you :) :)

I need a title for my game

I need a title for my game before i explode!
This is a list of stupid title's
-The crystal of water
-The last hero
-The arena
I need help.
please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you know a title send me a message

I need a few beta testers!

sorry demondestiny :-\

Pirates 4?

Yea.me to.

I need help

i can't think for a title for my new game. >:( >:(
Please help me.
I hate when i can't make a new game.
i need help of you all.
please help me.
if you know a title for my game send me a message.
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