

Going Commercial / Hiring

By all means, delete the entry then. I by no means did not intend to violate the site's policies. The decision was made only very recently, so yeah. I'd do it myself, but the delete button doesn't work. I am very sorry for the inconvenience.

Going Commercial / Hiring

Darken: It makes very little difference, as far as I understand, but a little incentive on their end can do nothing but help. Then again, I may be underestimating the matter severely. Either way I feel there's little to lose. We have some money to spare and if it helps improve the quality of work then we're all for it. Plus learning about distribution and the other nuances of doing a commercial project would do nothing but add to experience in the long run.

Karsuman: Yeah, I was worried about that. What would be the policy about providing a free demo though, because that's the current plan.

Going Commercial / Hiring

I'm actually shooting for GubiD for the scripting job since he made the battle system. As for Ocean's Dream, where can I find him/her?


We haven't decided whether to go isometric or top-down yet. It seems like a viable option right now, actually, but I'd like to talk to everyone who'll be involved first to find out what everyone will be comfortable working with.

The battle system script actually already comes with the option to have an isometric view so all that really needs doing are the graphics on that end. <3 GubiD for his script. I truly do. 2-3 years ago it was a struggle to find/build a functional tactics system. With that much down, the developing end for this project demands nothing more than finalizing the life sim and conversations systems and fine-tuning the presentation.


We're actually still left with the problem of creating an original tileset. He says he'll give it a try but can't guarantee if it will be up to scratch.


Can't say I have. Looks real nice though. I love the art style. The mechs are probably still going to be around to stay. My partner's set on that much. She's confident she'll be able to find a replacement artist with a little PR of her own. We'll see I guess.

On a lighter note, I managed to get back in touch with our old team spriter and he's still very much up for working with us. Much like our character artist ippus, he's improved a great deal since last time, so I absolutely can not wait until I see more of his stuff.

Sample. Created for his own isometric Pokemon project. This is the only sample of his I could find at the moment because stupid Photobucket terminated his account.

Clean Slate

We're keeping to the original designs, mainly. But seeing as the guy that did them's nowhere to be seen we thought it wouldn't be right to still use his stuff. We'll see. Right now ippus and I are just looking around to see what our options are.


Yeah, pretty much. I was building this game hoping to put a school/life/dating sim on the side. And then Persona 3 came out. Funny coincidence how a game exactly like a game I wanted to do (except the concept is pulled off a thousand times better) came out. I was instantly in love with the game, and P4 which followed after. This design was inspired by P3 specifically.

I'll be redoing this for the revamp. How, I haven't quite decided yet.


The character design was pulled from way before the project was started itself, so what she looks like was out of my hands. We'll try to make sense of it though.

The battleback was a placeholder. I just needed to put together a sample of how conversations would look. I had newer screen shots with real backgrounds, but seeing as we hope to revamp everything I'm not going to bother posting anything for a while.

Steel Hearts

This thing's supposedly been in development for five years, and there hasn't been updated in three. The doubts aren't without just cause. I really can't promise anything anymore at this point, but I'd still like to see this completed.

And yes Archeia, I lost the project file. That hasn't really stopped me from wanting to do it over though. Sit tight for updates, I guess.
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