

Invalid Color Depth?

Better yet, what about Photoshop?

Invalid Color Depth?

The thing is it's a sprite, but I'll try. Can Microsoft Paint do the color depth?

Invalid Color Depth?

I'm trying to import a title screen for my game in RM2k3, but every time I try, it says 'Invalid color depth'. When I try posting it onto an exported title screen, the colors get all screwed up. Can someone help?

Making a Jump command.

For mine, I just made him fly across the screen into an enemy for high damage. Since I couldn't figure out how to make him stay in the air, I just made it cost MP, but hey, it works, along with Lancet (which was far easier). While I'm here, I might ask how to make it so you can pick a skill from the battle menu that says Attack, Defend, B. Magic, W. Magic and so on without going into a subset.

RoC Error, Help?

Additionally, whenever I try to extract the compressed file, the extraction process always freezes up when it gets to "Graphics\Animation\Sword3.png", and I can't extract it.

RoC Error, Help?

If you've been paying attention to, waiting for, or have recently read about my game Tidehunter: Reign of Corruption, you'll know that it has gone into hiatus. Alas! I excavated it! Woo! But...I can't upload it. Every time a click on the 'downloads' link, the message below pops up. Help?

AttributeError at /account/games/1288/downloads/
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'status'Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'status'
Exception Location: /var/www/sites/ in status, line 198
Python Executable: /usr/bin/python
Python Version: 2.4.3
Python Path:
Server time: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 22:27:47 -0600
Pages: 1