Spoilers, Videos, SoundCloud, MP3s (Part of a HOW-TO guide to using RMN's services)

  • kentona
  • 03/18/2014 10:23 PM
This is a quick overview of the custom implementation of Bulletin Board Code (BBC) for RMN's message box. Because RMN is a custom creation, not all of the features of BBC have been implemented, or are implemented in a slightly different way perhaps from more common bulletin boards (like phpBB or SMF).

How do I Bold/Underline/Italicize or otherwise manipulate text?
Most of the common functions are available in the message box toolbar. The commands are as follows:

[b][/b] - Bold
[i][/i] - Italics
[u][/u] - Underline
[s][/s] Strike-through
[size=Xpt][/size]- Change the size of your text, where x is the font size. For example, 16pt.
[table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table] - Place a table, with rows and cells.
[url=http://yourfavoritewebsite]text[/url] - Text becomes a link to the URL given in the url tag
[color=blue][/color] - Changes the color! You can guess at common color names, or use webcolor codes, like #FF9600
[quote username]Text [/quote]- Use this to quote another user. This is automatically applied when you press the Quote button of another post.

Cool colors dude!

A couple of undocumented features:

[center][/center] - Center-align.
[right][/right] - Right-align.
[nobbcode][/nobbcode] - ignores any BBC commands within. Handy for showing square brackets!

How do I hide things or place spoilers?
We have a hide tag to accomplish that. It isn't fully functional (for example, you can't nest hide tags, or have code or quotes (and probably other) tags within hide tags. We're working on it.
[hide][/hide] - hidden text goes between the tags.

My mom thinks I'm cool...

What about images?
[img]ImageURL[/img] - Place the URL to the image within the [img] tags.

[thumb][/thumb] - makes a thumbnail of the image that a user can click to expand in a new window.

How do I add music or video?
[youtube]url[/youtube] - Place the address of a youtube video to embed it in your post. 

[mp3=url]mp3 description[/mp3] - The path to the MP3 file goes inside the tag after the =

Dragon Warrior?

Adding an imbedded Soundcloud is a littlelot kludgey but it's there.

On SoundCloud, go to the track's page, then click Share, then select Embed, copy the URL
<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

You see this section:

Copy this track ID, and put them in soundcloud tags:


What about code?

[code][/code] - Place code between the tags.
[code ruby][/code] - Place Ruby (or RGSS/2 code) between the tags. We have a collection of other languages available with custom coloring (like SQL for example).

An example of RGSS in ruby code tags:
# ** Game_Screen
#  This class handles screen maintenance data, such as changes in color tone,
# flashes, etc. It's used within the Game_Map and Game_Troop classes.

class Game_Screen
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :brightness               # brightness
  attr_reader   :tone                     # color tone
  attr_reader   :flash_color              # flash color
  attr_reader   :pictures                 # pictures
  attr_reader   :shake                    # shake positioning
  attr_reader   :weather_type             # weather type
  attr_reader   :weather_power            # weather intensity (Float)
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @pictures =

Can I make lists?

[list][li][/li][/list] - place items in a list by adding more li tags.

  • This is a list
  • This is also part of said list
  • Another bullet point


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Nice to see this documented somewhere. Yay! ^.^
This was (almost) all in the New to RMN? document, just so you know. The only thing different here is that I added the soundcloud stuff and gave some concrete examples. (I also updated the New to RMN? article with soundcloud stuff)
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