
What is this?
This is a game making event where we partner up in order to create two games per partner!

TWO games?! Are you mad?!
I don't think so? Oh, wait, that was a rhetorical question, right?

Anyway, it's a pretty simple premise. You start a game and work on it for one week. At the end of that week all the games are pooled and then distributed semi-randomly to each other. Then everyone finishes the games they are given over the next week.

Basically, a big swaparoo~

  • Sign up below. Make sure that you're dedicated for the whole two weeks/both parts of the event.

  • Games must be new and made only for this event.

  • You may use any RM engine. Sorry, while it is a neat idea in theory to use any engine, most people who sign up might not have experience in those engines, limiting the ability to finish the games.

  • If you only have access to a particular RM engine, please note that in the comment section so that I know to account for that when distributing the first half of the games.

  • Also, make sure to include an RTP stand-alone version of the game (and include resources) when passing it over so that your partner is not looking for different files to make it work.

  • When it comes time to submit, for the first half of the game upload the WIP to the event locker (accessed by Submit in the top corner).

  • First halves of games must be in by the time shown under the Details section after you add your time offset in the settings of your account. The Date End reflects this and will be changed when the second halves are handed out.

  • The second halves will be submitable by game page ONLY. Make a game page for your game whenever you like, just remember to update the information when the second creator comes into play.

  • To keep time realistic, aim for each half to have a half-hour of play at the most. This will make an hour-long game, which is pretty decent for 2 weeks. You can go over this amount, but remember that the longer the game, the less chance there is to finish it.

  • In the spirit of the event, don't be a back-seat driver to the second creators. They can take the game where they like - that's half the fun of the event. In fact, let's just say that you keep your fingers out of the game pie after it gets handed over. Make it something of a surprise, eh?

As always, there's badges to consider~
Started in the Middle with You - 30MS - Received at the end of the event for those who started a game and had it completed.
Ended in the Middle with You - 30MS - Received at the end of the event for those who finished a game.
Meshing the Middle with You - 20MS - Given to the game that feels like a concerted effort to create a whole piece.
Mashed in the Middle with You - 20MS - Given to the game that is a mess of mashing together the elements.
Beyond the Middle, it's True - 50MS - Given to the overall best game of the lot, as judged by our panel of select cherry-pickers.

Clown/Joker signs by Brian Edwards


You must be logged in to sign up for Swap in the Middle with You~.


@unity and Ratty: I thank you for your compassion, both of you! :)

But I am doing much better now, so no worries!
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
i find it amazing that this event has multiple mayor characters
The TM is for Totally Magical.

Consider mine and Frogge's horn tooted.
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Aw yeah the page for the game from me and Liberty is a go!
I've submitted my game, just in time. I'll try to get the game uploaded ASAP as soon as it's no longer pending, but I honestly don't know if I can. I've caught an incredibly nasty case of bronchitis, lost my voice completely, and have been vomiting up blood since this morning. I'll do my best to get this out anyways. I'm nothing if not persistent! I'll post the linky once it's ready...
There's still time, I'm just adding them today. We've still over two days to go.

Also, holy shit dude, rest. I'm happy to extend the end date over the weekend if it's needed. o.O
Resident foodmonster
OK, Oshun and Unitys gamepage is up! I have some minor adjustments to make but I'm excited to see what everyone makes!
Thanks for the sympathy, Liberty. I may just need to ask for that extension, especially if this worsens...
who could forget dear ratboy
It appears my first half hasn't surfaced yet. The suspense continues.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
I THINK I've got this done. I'm play testing it now, and I've discovered that the bad audio tracks have left me with a lot of broken maps.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Le Gamepage is up, and hopefully I can finish this beast on time.
My magnum opus has finally reached the world of mortals!
Developed by the lustrous and impeccable Zero3D and his mango in crime, Luiishu535.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
there. i am 95% done. just need to finish up one scene in the middle that i skipped over.

it is probably not what anybody is expecting from me, unless you played Craze and Versalia Dance Against the Heavenly Host. i don't have any Lorde songs playing this time though

edit: subzerodragon i expect you to use that blood to make your second half of my game that much more horrifying and gruesome. just wipe the blood on your monitor until something fitting happens to the game.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
it is probably not what anybody is expecting from me, unless you played Craze and Versalia Dance Against the Heavenly Host. i don't have any Lorde songs playing this time though


I remember that game!
The TM is for Totally Magical.
I loved Craze and Versalia Dance Against the Heavenly Host! That's my favorite game from you!
Craze and mine's gamepage is up now. Enjoy~! Hope it's creepy enough for ya, Craze. The scenes in the dungeon-maze were inspired by a fever-dream I had about your game! Guess that illness was good for something after all. ;D
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Well, I don't know what to do. I've got a game breaking glitch I can't fix.

Shit. I might have to skip the whole map. It's that bad.

Edit: Is this a normal problem? I have a tile that no matter what I set it to, it's impassable. Nothing I do will make it passable. So I tried using a different tile. The new tile is passable and working properly. Relaid the other passable tile, and it remains impassable.
Well, I don't know what to do. I've got a game breaking glitch I can't fix.

Shit. I might have to skip the whole map. It's that bad.

Edit: Is this a normal problem? I have a tile that no matter what I set it to, it's impassable. Nothing I do will make it passable. So I tried using a different tile. The new tile is passable and working properly. Relaid the other passable tile, and it remains impassable.
Are you using Ace? I had the exact opposite problem while working on a friend's project. Crazy tiles went passable no matter what I set them to. (Not good when you need an impassible cliffside.) The only way I was able to "fix" it was to copy the chipset from another project. Luckily it was just a vanilla RTP chipset, so I didn't have to putz around with redoing pass-ability much. I hope that helps~!