
I'll never change. "Me" is better than your opinion, dummy!
You wouldn't have to worry about that, my collective and I don't raid places without sufficient provocation. Icyboards which was killed barely after it could get off the ground had two admins that were relentlessly raiding Omega-dev, my old master was the one who lead that assault, I just let fire trolling and shitposts.

Whitefang personally did a lot to continually spite and annoy members of my collective and me, so we decided to do the same on april fools, not with any real plans of conquest, it just ended up looking that way, and I milked it because it was fun.

Much as my infamy may state otherwise, I don't be a dick to people just to be a dick to people, there's always some (even if wafer-thin) justification behind what I do, especially if my collective is behind it, because they won't aid me in such malicious things unless they have valid reason to themselves.
I kind of forgot people took the internet this childishly seriously. Now I have a bad taste in my mouth.
Maybe if you'd sealed yourself away from society for eight years because you grew a hateful disgust of other human beings you'd be doing the same. It's all fine for you to say shit like this go nuts.

I don't have friends in the real world, the internet is more home than home is.

I hate people.
I'll never change. "Me" is better than your opinion, dummy!
Everyone's salty about Cloud in Sm4sh
Wait, people are salty about that?

I don't even understand why... but, uh... alright?
Goes inactive at least every 2 weeks
Everyone's salty about Cloud in Sm4sh
Wait, people are salty about that?

I don't even understand why... but, uh... alright?

Couple reasons:
1. They think he's the ballot winner, he's not.
2. He's not Nintendo.
3. Another swordsman (Which is honestly my least favorite argument).
I'll never change. "Me" is better than your opinion, dummy!
I just saw the thread.

I love it.

Butthurt zealous entitled nintendo fanboys are the funniest bunch of salty dweebs.

I hope they add in Kratos just to . . .

Everyone's salty about Cloud in Sm4sh
Wait, people are salty about that?

I don't even understand why... but, uh... alright?
Couple reasons:
1. They think he's the ballot winner, he's not.
2. He's not Nintendo.
3. Another swordsman (Which is honestly my least favorite argument).

You can't blame Cloud for Nintendo adding a bunch of no-name swordsmen from some obscure game series that no one cares about.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
The only thing that's actually weird about Cloud in Smash Bros. is that Square Enix has their own Final Fantasy themed series of Smash Brothers clones starring Cloud, and they're releasing the newest game in that series in two weeks. Are they just trying to kill their own product by allowing this?

I'm sure it's an absolutely intentional move by Nintendo. They probably got permission for this cameo months or years ago, before the new Dissidia game was anywhere remotely close to being released, and decided to hold onto Cloud until they could release him with incredibly rude and disruptive timing.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
They have the same core appeal - a fighting game that most people buy not because of its gameplay but because of the huge collection of cameo characters from their favorite other games. There's almost a 100% overlap between the people who are interested in Cloud's presence in Smash Brothers and the people who are interested in playing Dissidia, and a lot of those people would find it silly to buy both games, since their itch will be satisfied by just once.
Stand back. Artist at work. I paint with enthusiasm if not with talent.
So the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD remake...
The Wind Waker fans were quick to trash it.

Honestly, I'm still buying it, Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game.
I can see why they'd make a port for ocarina of time and majora's mask, since it has a large cult following, and i understood when they remade wind waker in HD since it was also a game that was super-underestimated and then incredibly liked, but i genuinelly don't understand their remaking of twilight princess.

At least over here the general consensus is that twilight princess was a pretty lackluster game when compared to it's predecessors, sure it was super-hyped but part of it's "popularity" is that the wii sold like pancakes and that game had been freshly ported from the gamecube thus making it the first zelda title on the wii, which helped sales a lot. I personally could never get to the zoras because i would get bored way before that, with the incredibly tedious "get all the tears before proceeding" shit and the god damn awful wolf mode and gfaafbadhfkeo
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Metal Gear on NES
Metal Gear Solid Re-make on Gamecube

kiiinda counts

I disagree, I found the wolf modes pretty fun, I mean you only get to collect bugs 3 times and you're done.
Stand back. Artist at work. I paint with enthusiasm if not with talent.
That you disagree is obvious, you already stated it is your favorite game, any criticism towards it is going to bounce against a 3m thick iron wall.
You're magical to me.
They have the same core appeal - a fighting game that most people buy not because of its gameplay but because of the huge collection of cameo characters from their favorite other games. There's almost a 100% overlap between the people who are interested in Cloud's presence in Smash Brothers and the people who are interested in playing Dissidia, and a lot of those people would find it silly to buy both games, since their itch will be satisfied by just once.

I've tried playing the first Dissidia a little bit but didn't really get into it and found it difficult to play. Is it just that I needed to spend more time with it to figure it all out?
Goes inactive at least every 2 weeks
1. The bloom is annoying
2. Ice Temple is bad
3. Final boss was a disappointment
4. The monkey butt jokes were never funny
5. Most human NPC's look pretty ugly
6. Ganondorf was just added in the game so we can have Ganondorf
7. It get's really dark at times that it is hard to see, even with the lanturn

Perhaps I read your reply incorrectly. But just because it's my favorite Zelda game, doesn't mean I think it's perfect.
Stand back. Artist at work. I paint with enthusiasm if not with talent.
Yes. Once you figure out the controls it becomes kinda easy. The trick is just remembering which button combination does what. I liked dissidia (didn't play the second one) though the fact that the characters won't shut up at any moment was a bit grating on the nerves.
You're magical to me.
Yeah. Their voices are mostly different than how I'd imagined them XD
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
That you disagree is obvious, you already stated it is your favorite game, any criticism towards it is going to bounce against a 3m thick iron wall.

A prime example of an assumption!
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Yeah. Their voices are mostly different than how I'd imagined them XD

That's kind of the curse that happens when you give voice acting to previously silent characters. The fantasy you've built up around them has the potential of being completely crushed.

As an example, in my childhood, I always envisioned Sigma from the Megaman X series having this affable, James Bond villain-type of voice and persona, or maybe even Jafar from Aladdin. When I first played X4, and heard his... crack smoker-sounding voice, it felt my entire soul was stomped into the ground.
japanese games are notorious for this, but their voice actors NEVER match the characterization given to them. And this isn't just symptomatic of giving voice to previously silent characters - they just cannot seem to match a voice to a character (or they have a different cultural interpretation of what a character of type X should sound like that is way different than NA/Europe).

Or maybe that just me. So often it comes across as whiny prepubescent little snarky shits, imho.