Well, i thought Shigeru Chiba did an exquisite voice job for Kefka.
3. Another swordsman (Which is honestly my least favorite argument).
That's a bullshit argument. Ike plays nothing like Marth plays nothing like Link. Having a sword doesn't really have that much influence over the moveset that characters will play similarly just because they have one.
As an example, in my childhood, I always envisioned Sigma from the Megaman X series having this affable, James Bond villain-type of voice and persona, or maybe even Jafar from Aladdin. When I first played X4, and heard his... crack smoker-sounding voice, it felt my entire soul was stomped into the ground.
I think Megaman games having dreadful voice acting is the norm, unfortunately. Only exception being when they got the G Gundam cast to to the English voices.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Well, i thought Shigeru Chiba did an exquisite voice job for Kefka.
I agree, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
Another deadly shooting/bombing in France. What's this world coming to?
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
I wouldn't equate an act of terrorism and a natural disaster, though. As horrible as they may be, earthquakes are bound to happen in Japan. Terrorism, on the other hand... It disgusts me that people feel they need to show off their "superiority" in such ways.
author=CorfaisusI was going to make a joke about french mannerisms but figured that would be bad form.
Another deadly shooting/bombing in France. What's this world coming to?
Still, though I know absolutely nobody from France (Only French-Canadians), they don't deserve what treatment they're getting. No one does.
If there's any upside to having such a zealous anti-Islamic nutjob on our hot seat it's that things like this just don't get to happen.
Win some you lose some, I doubt I.S.I.S is "The largest terrorist threat in years" but from what I've heard they are pretty malicious and horrible. Typically it's not the area of politics I dabble in, things seem bad, that might be because recent history has been kind to us.
I.S.I.S certainly doesn't pose any threat to Australian Society as a whole, but a couple unlucky people may get really badly hurt now and then. Mostly though they tend not to bother with us considering the amount of effort getting into Australia is from everywhere that isn't Australia.
To it's neighboring countries though, oh, it's a lot more extreme. Being girt by 7000+ kilometres of sea from anywhere else remotely large has its advantages.
But meh... it's insult to injur at best.
This world doesn't have long left. I'm forgetting about all of the politics and enjoying what's left of it before even I.S.I.S is overshadowed along with the rest of the world.
It's sort of fun, awaiting the day our planet becomes hell outside of Hell, I think it's too late now to save it. This gets a weight off my shoulders in a way, no more do I have to fear, for I've already accepted The End.
It may come 10, 20, maybe 30 years from now, it might only be five, we may escape it entirely, I don't know, the future is something I've never claimed to foretell except when it's my power to knowingly do so.
But I tire of it, the world refuses to change.
Let's find out if in it's final hours, if the Earth refuses to die, as well.
Our Earth's personal oblivion makes only one difference to me, and that's how much of my life I can spend enjoying, I have no children, care for none of my cousins' siblings, I've had a really good run, if I'm to die along with the world, then that's how I'm happy for it to go.
Reality will continue, we won't have the chance to fuck everything up for anything but our own planet. Somehow, I'd die easier knowing we won't have that chance, our world may be beyond saving . . .
But the Universe will go on as if nothing happened, I'm fine with that. Earth is such a miniscule unimportant thing in the grand scheme of the universe. Some will act like it's the end of the world, I will be there, watching in pity and envy.
My existential outlook on life is pretty glum, I suppose. But it's this or breaking down, and I've come too far for that horseshit!
Sure, I'll die, that sucks, but then, everyone will also d i e . w i t h . m e . . .
I almost look forward to it.
I'm thinking WW3 is coming up.
And I'm afraid.
I wouldn't be too worried about the end coming by means of World War, at least, not at the moment. I'd be more worried about an environmental/population crisis tearing us up.
Idk, maybe I'm a hopeless optimist or I'm just subconsciously kidding myself for comfort, but I've never bought a single word of the WW3 doom and gloom ever since it started popping up more than 10 years ago. Am I concerned about the world's political situation? Yeah. Do I think we're gonna start nuking each other any moment? Definitely not.
I'm thinking WW3 is coming up.
And I'm afraid.
If everyone nukes each other, who wins?
author=Seiromemauthor=DudesoftIf everyone nukes each other, who wins?
I'm thinking WW3 is coming up.
And I'm afraid.
The Swiss.
Scary thought. What have people willing to blow themselves up have to lose from setting off nukes? Wouldn't that bring them closer to god or something? It's a chilling thought, that one mad man gets his hands on a nuke, we'd be in for a new type of era.
Well, some of them probably do it so that their family are assured a good life when they're gone - the whole "We'll make sure your family is taken care of" shtick. If nuclear annihilation occurs, their families won't be alright, so...
Also, some of them sacrifice for the 'good of the religion' but if the world gets blown to kingdom come there won't BE a religion. That's a thing, too.
And while there are probably some legitimately fervish believers who have some power within the group, I'm betting that the leaders of the group are money-hungry power-grabbers who don't want to lose what power, 'respect' and money they have - they're the ones calling the shots, so they'll be careful not to go that far. I mean, there are some sane people among them or their plans would end in failure - there's legit planning going on here, where your typical crazy ferver-filled people would just charge in and destroy at will. Minds are at work - horrible, hate-filled minds, but calm ones with at least some reason in them. That goes to show that they have some sort of structure, at least, meaning that more likely than not, the ones calling the shots are doing so for the sake of gaining more of that power/respect/moolah. Can't do that in an atomic annihilation.
So I ent that worried.
Also, some of them sacrifice for the 'good of the religion' but if the world gets blown to kingdom come there won't BE a religion. That's a thing, too.
And while there are probably some legitimately fervish believers who have some power within the group, I'm betting that the leaders of the group are money-hungry power-grabbers who don't want to lose what power, 'respect' and money they have - they're the ones calling the shots, so they'll be careful not to go that far. I mean, there are some sane people among them or their plans would end in failure - there's legit planning going on here, where your typical crazy ferver-filled people would just charge in and destroy at will. Minds are at work - horrible, hate-filled minds, but calm ones with at least some reason in them. That goes to show that they have some sort of structure, at least, meaning that more likely than not, the ones calling the shots are doing so for the sake of gaining more of that power/respect/moolah. Can't do that in an atomic annihilation.
So I ent that worried.
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
To it's neighboring countries though, oh, it's a lot more extreme. Being girt by 7000+ kilometres of sea from anywhere else remotely large has its advantages.
With everything else you said, nature always wins in the end.
At the time (1913) compared to now. Look at all the pretty barnacles.
Scary thought. What have people willing to blow themselves up have to lose from setting off nukes? Wouldn't that bring them closer to god or something? It's a chilling thought, that one mad man gets his hands on a nuke, we'd be in for a new type of era.
You ignore the fact that the people you speak of- terrorists- don't have nuclear weapons at their disposal.
The people in charge of the world's nuclear weapons are smart enough to know that they don't want a nuclear war. Yes- even Putin. As vilified as he is, he isn't a moron.
I'm not saying that your scenario couldn't happen, but I would think that it's improbable enough that you shouldn't be actively worried about it. Besides, nuclear war is in the realm of "accidental death" anyways. If it happens there's nothing you can do to stop it, so there's no point in being stressed and worried about it. It makes as much sense as being worried that every plane you get on will be hijacked or will wind up exploding in mid air.