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I wanted to make a custom title screen but was wondering how do I call up the load menu and exit the game ? or how would a custom title screen go abotu doing that ? I'm using Cherry's skip the title screen and go straight to party start.
You have to event the custom title screen yourself. The patch readme has all the information, variables, and what variables to set it to. The readme isn't in there for no reason.

Make a new blank map and call it "title screen". Set the starting position there. You have to have variable and programming knowledge with RPG Maker 2003 if you're going to create a custom title menu system. You need to know how to use Pictures, Variables, Conditional Branches, and labels.
The readme doesn't even make sense to me... Is there a more detailed explanation I could get somewhere.. :l
I'm afraid that's the best form you'll get. other than that you can get some information off of the website Cherry hosts his patches.

This patch includes everything you need for creating your own title screen

The standard title screen will be skipped, the game starts directly at the start map.

You can call the load menu from an event script.

You can exit the game from an event script.

BetterAEP is a stand-alone patch. You don’t need any other patch to get it working. If you want to combine it with another patch, apply BetterAEP first.

To call the loading menu or exit the game, the event command “Stop Parallel Events” (or “Stop Event” in some versions) and the variable no. 3350 is used. This variable has been chosen, because most of the games don’t use it.

If variable no. 3350 contains the value 1 when “Stop Parallel Events” is called, the load menu will pop up. If it contains the value 2, the game will quit. If it contains any other value, the standard “Stop Parallel Events” command will be executed.

That's pretty simple to understand.

The variable in your game that the autoenter patch is set to is 3350. So make sure you array your size of the variables in your game to more than 3350 variables. To call the load menu, simply change the value of the variable name in "3350" equal to 1, and then call "End Event Processing" command on the event page 3, it will call the load menu. Do the above, but set the "3350" variable equal to 2 instead, and it will quit the game.

Saving the game is self explanatory because RPG Maker 2003 lets you do that by default using the event pages.
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