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Ive been working on a game recently were you are able to become enemies that you have defeated in battle. But Ive ran into a strange problem. When saved after becoming the other person the game crashes on a save...I use an event where I add a party member then subtract the other. Is there a work around or something Im at a loss and this is the main focus of the game, so please help.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I have no idea why it would crash like that. The maximum party size is normally four, but adding a party member to an already full party, from what I've seen, does nothing. I dunno, try removing the party member, then adding the new one? See what that gets you.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Disable the event and see if the crash still happens. That'll tell you whether it's that event that's causing the crash or not.

If it is, take a screenshot of the event or retype it, and post it here.

Also, what message appears when it crashes?
the world ends in whatever my makerscore currently is
try removing the party member, then adding the new one? See what that gets you.

This was going to be my suggestion, I think that is a smoother way of going about it. Not sure if it will help or not, just seems backwards.

Make sure your events switch off correctly too.
It doesnt display a message, it just freezes.
It doesnt exactly crash it freezes really. I also only have one member of the party. I havnt added any as of yet. Ive tried adding a Test member, but it doesnt work. Ive even switched the add member and remove member.
Try adding SirLedvic before removing Hershal. I've never tried it, but the game might be freezing because there are 0 members in the party for an instant.
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