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(Socrates would certainly not contadict me!)
This is certainly one of the best CBS I've seen, I imagine it represents tons of very personal work from its creator, if on top of that you want to add a system for magic spells and jobs... the only solution I see is to try to contact the author.
That is one sexy CBS. The base system itself shouldn't actually be too hard to code, my only thought would be meshing it with the platform system to stop the player moving beneath the battle screen (simple enough with static enemy locations). The magic QTE would probably be the last thing to add aswell.
I dunno about making them skills, would be easier to link it through the rm2k3 database, so it's easier to alter stats etc (if theres a patch for the classes out there). EG/ I use the default database stats to reference into my cbs which makes it much easier to alter the balance.

Either way I could look into building you a base system to work from (simple things like editing the layout/ pictures for things and adding skills). I'll likely have alot of time off work as of next week so I should be able to do it. Looking to use the base to recode my cbs anyway (not in the same style but the basics should still apply if I plan it right xD)

Edit: Also I had that problem when I was younger, too many tutorials just go 'its way to hard its not worth it blah blah blah' but it's actually pretty simple, just a little time consuming is all.
If you want to "pause" the action on the map it could probably be done by turning a switch ON or OFF, you wouldn't have to have everything static. You just have to setup the pages on the event in the right way. Everything else is show pictures.

The way those battles display is pretty fucking awesome.

I can help as some sort of a consultant to offer suggestions on how to do it or solutions for problems that arise. I don't have time to spend doing any grunt work. You can PM me any time, I probably won't see posts here.
Yeah making all the other objects static is no problem at all, just making the player static. (maybe move 4 blank objects to the positions around the player with vars and move event that are solid when in battle?)
just making the player static. (maybe move 4 blank objects to the positions around the player with vars and move event that are solid when in battle?)

the switch would cover that, too. along with an autostart event page that has a move hero: wait on repeat
Ah much simpler can't believe I never thought of that
yeah, I heard that from someone else. actually, the event can be parallel process and probably should be. depends on what you use it for.
Makes sense, as an auto-start event it could end up locking out other stuff as well.
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