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hey everyone, was so impressed on the size of this community and its awesome submissions i just HAD to join in on the fun :P i plan to review titles and create RPGs of my own, i will say ahead of time i may be a little blunt during my reviews but plz take it as constructive criticism rather than insidious trolling lol :P in any case i also admit i dont have half the skillz that most of the community has, to be quite honest im a newbie far as RPG creation goes, but HOPEFULLY after i demonstrate what i am capable of, that i can join forces with some of you and create some really cool stuff for everyone to enjoy :) i hope to create fangames and a few original works here and there, so we'll see how it goes ok? :)
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
People here are excellent about constructive criticism, I look forward to your reviews!

Team productions are actually pretty uncommon, since people generally all have the same skillsets (eventing, mapping and battles) and for the most part everybody just want to be the ideas guy. Don't be discouraged from working by yourself though. Even if you're not on a team, you still have the support of everyone on the website, we will gladly help you improve if you ask.
thx, im glad to hear that though im not discouraged from going solo, just wanna do big things with RPG maker and i lack a good number of skills required to do so. for example i know coding is a major factor in such a major project, and to be honest i wouldnt know how to even start, more of a gamer than a tech expert :P

by the way nice beefcase lol
Guardian of the Description Thread
Start with your favorite games. What do they do that make them your favorite games? Is it how they play? How they are presented? The stories that you experience? Is there something else that set them apart from the other games that you have played?
right, definitely sure on what i wanna do on some of my projects, my issue is just not knowing how to pull it off. for example (mind you a loose one) is like if i made a sonic RPG i would want to add platforming sections that award you XP based on how you perform, problem is i wouldnt know how to code that... in any case once i get VX Ace in full i plan to take the default materials and try my best to make a good RPG out of it. that way members of the community can see what strong points i DO have and we can discuss what i can do to improve, definitely hope to entertain some ppl with my games.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Sonic is a game about moving fast, gaining momentum, and trying to never stop moving

RPGs are games about planning ahead, strategizing, and figuring out numbers before choosing your skills from a menu

Let me just warn you ahead of time, with knowledge passed down from the legions of noobs who came before you and each tried and failed to make a Sonic RPG, that these are not compatible ideas. At least not without doing something wildly different from the norm, which as you have said, you don't have the skills for right now.
i totally agree with you LockeZ, thats why i left it as a loose example XD in the future though who knows, but for now it can stay on the sidelines :P
I thought Bioware made a Sonic RPG already? Anywho, welcome to RMN!
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
It was awful though. They did an admirable job of trying to break the mold, but they didn't break it in the right way, so it still didn't feel like Sonic at all. And then about a third of the way through the game they ran out of gameplay in a really bad way, so that by the end you wanted to kill yourself. And then the game's ending is the world suddenly being taken over by robots, with the text "To be continued in part 2!" Which will never come because part 1 sucked so bad. So in short, it's just like a typical RPG Maker game, except it has original graphics.
I thought Bioware made a Sonic RPG already? Anywho, welcome to RMN!

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood... yeah i remember the commercial XD evidently it didnt sail so well at all, according to LockeZ it doesnt even SOUND like sonic.... thats a problem right there.... but yeah i had an idea for a sonic RPG like back in my childhood, still might bring it to life once i think i can make it have that sonic aspect as well as be like an rpg, but i do agree that that's far beyond me at this point and time... no doubts there. thx for the warm welcome everyone as i appreciate the openness and the eagerness to help a newbie like myself, no wonder this community is 7 years old and counting :P

omg so many games, i drool with anticipation... cant wait to finish downloading and start playing/reviewing lol i put this off FAR too long, i should've gotten into the pc RPGmakers as soon as i found out about them. oh well never too late to catch up XD
And speaking of Sonic Chronicles, I don't know who was in charge of the sound in that, but some executions are in order.

I did like the hand drawn maps, though, and I'll probably end up doing something similar one of these days.

Sonic and RPGs just aren't easy to mix, I'm afraid. And believe me, I've spent a lot of time thinking about this already. Sonic's not like Mario, where you can stick him in whatever genre you want and make it work out. That is because Sonic has a certain part of his identity that can't be translated into some genres. Motion. Sonic is all about motion. And RPGs are about fighting in static areas, sometimes not moving at all. And even if you implement platforming elements, as you were saying, there's still two very large problems with that.

One, RPG battles will break the flow. Even if you make accurate Sonic platforming (which you won't, more on that later), the battles force you to stop. That is frustrating. Sonic Heroes played like an Adventure game with a team mechanic that left much to be desired, and it suffered a lot because of precisely that. There you were, running around at the speed of sound, and suddenly the game would lock you in a square room with three enemies with fucktons of HP, and not open the door until you dealt with them. That was frustrating as hell, and RPG battles would be even more frustrating.

You can't make accurate Sonic platforming. Not even Sega can. Ask the fans about Sonic 4 or Generations' classic levels and they'll tell you that they got the physics wrong. (Although Generations did a better job, its worst sin is the spin dash being overpowered.) Sonic style platforming is all about the physics, mostly momentum. Downward slopes give you momentum, upward slopes take your momentum. Jumping from a slope changes your jump's trajectory. Being able to cross a loop of vertical wall depends on how much momentum you has when you got to it. Take the lazy way and make something with only horizontal slopes or slopes that don't influence your momentum, and all you have is Mario with a Sonic skin. Nobody would like that.

I have given up on the idea of a Sonic RPG long ago, for the reasons above. And if even freaking Bioware couldn't do it, what makes you think you can?

You know in what genre Sonic would look good, though? Fighting games! The cast is crazy enough to make an interesting game. You have the expert martial artist that only shows his martial arts expertise by punching things really hard, and somehow managed to learn martial arts despite living the first 16 years of his life as the only person in a floating island, with nobody to teach him martial arts. You have the girl with a humongous hammer. You have the ninja. The expert martial artist who actually had training by the military, and for some reason only uses kicks. The science experiment that throws energy blasts and manipulates the flow of time. The pyrokinetic. The killer robot with more weapons in its arms than could logically fit inside. The kid gadgeteer with a freak mutation that lets him fly. The huge crocodile detective. The fat cat with a fishing rod voiced by Duke Nukem.

Yep, crazy enough to work. I, for one, would love to see the Sonic cast in a Arc Syste Works style hectic and over the top fighting game.

(And yes, I know Sonic already had one and a half fighing games.)
yeah i do see your point there, though sonic platforming was all well and good during the 16-bit era, then it went downhill after sonic adventure. LOL @Big the Cat with a Duke Nukem VO XD
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