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So today me and Biggamefreak came up with the idea that one of the characters for my game would have an overworld passive that as long as she's in the party, the party would never get backattacked or pincer attacked. This isn't much of an issue, since I could just run a Parallel Process or something upon entering an area or something. However, I also decided another character's overworld passive would be that she increases Initiative as long as she's in the party, so I also need to replicate the Terrain for this character as well (I technically only use one terrain on everything). Now, I can easily do this with Conditional Branches for each.

However, am I right to assume that this would work best by changing the tilesets upon entering areas (i.e. you're about to enter the dungeon, and after the teleport event would be the Conditional Branch to check the Terrain stuff)? Because I think if I set it to Parallel Process on the maps, it would interfere with my bridge events since those also change tilesets. Or would I need to duplicate tilesets in order to apply the new Terrain stuff to them??
It sounds to me that you will need to make a copy of every tileset AND terrain. Tilesets to set the new terrains, and terrains to vary the % of initiative, etc.
Well, I already have the 3 copies of the terrain (since again, I only use one terrain anyways for every map). Though having to have multiples of tilesets...ugh. But I think this would make the characters have a bit more flavor...I think.
I'm assuming that you are doing random battles? You could try making your own "random battle system" using a parallel process common event. Keep track of how many times your characters map coordinates change, while a BATTLES_POSSIBLE switch is ON. Set a random number for the number of steps that you have to match, say 30-40 before the next battle. When you have stepped that many steps, do an enemy encounter. Have another randomly set variable to determine the monster encounter.

Doing something like this will not only fix the random encounter algorithm, which I think is faulty at times, and make it more predictable by setting your own minimum number of steps (rather than some average), but it will also give you a chance to edit more easily how often each monster group will appear, and for your case, how often you get preemptive strikes.

Also, by doing this method, you could have all your game's encounter groups in one common event, and then you don't have to edit them in the map, but if you are using map encounter areas, I think the common event would still work, but then you would have to check your current hero coordinates before calling an enemy attack event.
Yes, I am doing random battles. Though I don't know if I want to do it in the way that you are mentioning or not. It seems to be working out for me right now as it is oddly enough.
Okay, good to hear. I wasn't sure how expansive your project was. If you only have a few terrains, then you could probably just go with the copy tileset and terrain route, but who knows? Maybe you'll want to add more later...
Ok, so here's what I got, coding wise. Gonna need help here since there's a few things going on:

Ok, in this coding, it has the "No Random Encounters until X steps has been taken" code (in this case, 10 steps before Random Encounters are turned back on). After that is the No Encounter Accessory, the Half Encounter armor (usable by 2 characters). Another Common Event runs when the No Encounter item is used (since I have to have that as a switch itself for the item).

Here's the thing now. Since there's this whole thing about the passive overworld abilities (the Initiative and No Back Attacks/Pincer Attacks, which I don't think would affect this?), there's now an idea of having one character with the passive ability of getting into more fights, and another who halves random encounters, just being in the party. Would it be easier to have it set up in this common event for them (though how to work it out if both are in the party at the same time?), or would it be easier to have Terrains determine it for them?

(As for how expansive my project is...it's pretty expansive. 5 years in, only 50% done, and probably only 10-20 hours of gameplay depending on how players play).
Where do you set up the variable containing the steps since last battle back to zero?
It's put into an Auto-Start event that cleans up battle stuff. It sets the variable back to 0, turns Random Encounters to 0, and memorizes the party's location. This will occur after any fight at that (random encounter or boss).
About battle clean up: Cool.

About the rest: I... don't understand your question. I think you're doing it right, and just by being in the party, with the coding you have (Since it seems the items are hard coded and cannot be removed), it will work.

Can you condense your question?
Basically, do I just update the common event up there with coding for if the characters is in the party, change random encounter, or do I want to use Terrain settings?

And again, how would this work if both the character with More Encounters and the character with Half Encounters are in the same party? >_<
I'd go with the common event, seems simpler and would work.

As for the More encounters / Half encounters:

Branch if More encounters is in the party
Branch if Half encounters is in the party
// code regular encounter rate
// code dealing with higher encounter rate
end of innermost Branch
Branch if Half encounters is in party
// code dealing with lower encounter rate
// code regular encounter rate
end of innermost Branch
end of outer Branch

That is of course untested, it's pseudo-code and I just thought of it. Try it, but that's how I'd do it.

Haven't tested it either, but it looks like this SHOULD work. It's set before the Encounter Rate change variables, and just changes the variables to the appropriate ones depending on the characters. So now the next question is...how to work this so that if they're in the party and you use something else that changes encounter rates (i.e. the Demon Charm which sets No Encounters or the Avoidance which gives Half Encounter)? Hmmmm....
Just put in a conditional branch, checking if you have that, and then multiply the encounter rate by the desired amount.
Is it possible to multiply the encounter rate in here?? I thought that was only in Terrain settings o.o
I think you can set the encounter rate to a variable, so effectively, yeah, you can multiply.
I don't see any way of doing that so...I don't think it's possible via variables. x_x;
It should be possible. You just have to make good use of variables (some that you will set to random numbers to determine what monster group you face) as well as conditional branches.

If you're completely out of luck, check back here in a week or two. I will eventually get around to testing this myself because I want to use random battles in my game too but also avoid multiple battles in a row after only walking 2 or 3 steps :P
I've rarely had that happen with my current set-up (that, and I have this set as you see up there in the common events, thanks to LockeZ, to not have random encounters for X steps after a fight so that avoids having so many fights in a row like that).

I guess I COULD set a variable to be something, but I can't directly influence what the Encounter Rate is from that, since it only gives you the option to change it and that's that. Though I'm not going with the whole monster group via common events per say. Just changing the base encounter rates is all here.
Ok, so I'm having a bit of an issue here now. So apparently, it seems that the game flatout will not change the Encounter variable to anything other than 0, despite the fact that I have the coding set up in such a way that it should be reading it down the line (it should be reading the Demon Charm coding and initializing that if applicable after the first coding, no???). Despite fighting a fight, walking 10 steps, and then checking the variable, it stays 0. I've even manually turned it to 1 (while having the Demon Charm equipped), left the debug menu, and came back to it and it went back to 0. Can anyone help with this? As of right now, all of my encounter stuff that I have just flatout won't work because of this issue :<
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