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If you do how does it feel like? If you used to how did it feel like? If you have never then what do you think it would feel like?
E: and I don't want to
Remember when I actually used to make games? Me neither.
No. I live in a bathroom.
I live with my parents at age 30. But they live in a house not a trailer.
I live on the moon

but die in the sun
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
no, but i have a friend who does

it looks very uncomfortable, and the people who come out of the places where the mobile homes congregate aren't always the best. i stayed the night once, it is like living in a house, except everything is smaller, and not as well insulated, and they aren't usually in tip-top shape, are usually things are made of plywood and skirting plastic, and when certain people walk around you can hear the floorboards(?) creak from outside

why would that matter anyway?
No, never. I don't see much upside to it. Might be okay if it could get plumbing.
the upside is that its cheap and when ur inside it doesn't really feel like any different except the rooms are strung along in a straight line instead of a big square. most trailers where i come from(eastern canada) are not cheap plywood structures. and of course they have plumbing xD and gas and cable and anything else a house can have. in the same way that a house can not have pluming or running water if the person either can't afford it, doens't want it, or is too far away from civilization.

trailer park life

it's true most trailer parks have bad people because of the low income aspect, same with low income housing. but many times its nice old people and small families that can't afford to rent. in my home town there were no trailer parks but about 25% of the places were trailers. it just depends on what part of the world you're looking at.
Here in Puerto Rico, We don't use trailers (Well I haven't seen one since I still live here a long time.), we use cheap apartments that the government pays.
I live in a normal house with flat square roofs. But, I can tell you, some of those places(Especially Luis Llorens Torres, But nowadays it's peaceful there, so yeah.) is where a lot of drug addicts, robbers and killers are.
I think people who is live in a trailer is the one who always travel around america or a certain country, But if you live in a trailer park that another story.
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