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This is the correct forum, right?

This isn't of much importance, but...

Well, I'd like to know the diff between the two. Is there any clear distinction? Or are they basically the same thing, but with different labels?
Apparantly many overlap, but articles serve a different purpose.
That's just my take on it, I have no idea what the official idea behind it is.

Tutorials usually show guide-lines or step-by-step advise on how to do something.
They are there to help you make something yourself.

Whereas articles may cover all kinds of things, including origin of gaming trends, development, or just interviews.
Articles arethere to inform you about gaming-related issues and topics.

(there really is a mixture here .. and oftentimes the difference can be slim)
2 basic vanilla examples: How to make an x (tutorial) VS What makes a good x (article)
This is actually why I'm asking this, Kyla... Because they seem to overlap a lot.

From what I've observed, articles can be about anything... Including tutorials.
So I was wondering why there was a separation, when their differences aren't distinct enough.

Edit: Slow refresh...

Anyway Darken, there are articles that are How-to's.
Though I haven't seen a What-makes Tutorial...
There are some overlap but for the most part Tutorials are How To's based on certain game engines and more specific in nature (that is, more about creating certain systems and in-engine events) while the How To articles are mainly design-based - talking about writing, mapping and design aspects that affect any game in general, not just one engine.

Also, Articles are more information based as well - things to do with what's happening in the community, introspective pieces and round-ups.
The line still seems slim, but thanks for the clarification!
It's not, really. ^.^
Anything that can be done using a :specific: engine is a tutorial.
Anything that can be done using :any: engine is an article.

A piece detailing creating a custom menu system in Ace would be a tutorial.
A piece about how to make good maps would be an article as it can be applied to more than just RM engines.
A piece focussing on your game and advertising how awesome it is and what to expect will lead to a big, fat DENY and a kick in the face next time I meet you irl.
A piece about how to use colours effectively when designing characters would be an article.
A piece about how great the shovelmaster9000 is when compared to other shovelmasters is spam and will be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. Just a friendly warning~
A piece about making a bank system would be added to the relevant tutorial section.
A piece about the history of game making would be an article.
A piece about parallaxing would be an article.
A piece detailing how to make an affection system would be a tutorial, but a piece detailing how to write growing affection in your dialogue would be a tutorial.

If it's not engine-specific, it's almost always an article. Easy.
Thanks Liberty!

Edit: Nevermind :)
A piece focussing on your game and advertising how awesome it is and what to expect will lead to a big, fat DENY and a kick in the face next time I meet you irl.
O-Okay......... *shiver*
^.^ I'm just trying to protect people from random face kicking is all~
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