
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
In the case that the assassin doesn't know the Tenkai's identity yet, and actually just went after Pianoman last night, that would be a pretty bad move though.
On sunny days, I go out walking
unity shouldn't jail anyone for two nights.
On sunny days, I go out walking
Ah. So. It definitely WAS the assassin who tried to kill the Tenkai and got Piano instead. Right.

So the assassin DOES know who the Tenkai is now. I would say we should know who the Tenkai is so Platinum doesn't accidentally shoot him/her but obviously that isn't happening since Plat can't kill anyone. I can't think of any other benefits for the Tenkai revealing, either, so I guess you should still stay quiet, Tenkai.

...Hm. I don't know what to do now.
Investigation is ongoing at this point. We currently have no suspects. As to the reason for this killing - it has been postulated that the witness was the real target and the young woman got in-between them, possibly deliberately.

i missed this. i was the witness. i am klaus, the tenkai star. wildwes is my dad. fuck all y'all who doubted me

this means people can be proven via night actions now, and we can kill with reckless abandon.

quoting for new page
On sunny days, I go out walking
actually she can jail me w/e
On sunny days, I go out walking
it is of vital importance that i know if you lost a bullet last night, pa.
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
Yes, I lost one because my character threw it at my target, which was you. I'm guessing you ask that because you got a bullet in your inventory.
always up for cute art and spicy gay romance
So are we mass-claiming or no?

Also CAVE's erratic behavior continues to be confusing. At this point I really can't tell if he's lying or not about being the Tenkai.
i missed this. i was the witness. i am klaus, the tenkai star. wildwes is my dad. fuck all y'all who doubted me

what the hell are you kidding me


Well, okay, cave obviously IS the Tenkai Star. He's right, he (Klaus) is my son, and is the Tenkai Star. So uh
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Wes you haven't raised a very good son.
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!

This is probably the most annoying possible development.
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Although I can also see the option of Cave lying through his damn teeth, since it was suspected he was a spy before, so it could be that he's sowing information he has that is true to bolster his claim.
But how would he have gotten info that Klaus is my son tho I mean I'm pretty sure just Klaus and I know that and little details like that don't seem like something a spy would really bother with knowing (a.k.a. it doesn't seem like Liberty would include some random tidbit like that in the info he would get if he investigated me).
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Assuming that these characters are consistent with the game, if he has the ability to identify who you are, he can easily figure things out from there. Hell, I just found out who you are (assuming Libby didn't mix that up, too) via Google.

Alternately, he IS Klaus, but isn't the Tenkai. If he's the assassin, it means he gets protected and can continue to go after the real Tenkai, who he's now identified.

In this case, I think we should see if anyone else wants to claim Tenkai.
Assuming that these characters are consistent with the game, if he has the ability to identify who you are, he can easily figure things out from there. Hell, I just found out who you are (assuming Libby didn't mix that up, too) via Google.

Well, I suppose that IS possible... but it seems a bit far-fetched, doesn't it?
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Well, I suppose that IS possible... but it seems a bit far-fetched, doesn't it?

Possibly I am an unusually cagey person? vOv

I am just saying, he hasn't really proven anything beyond possibly being your son.
You're magical to me.
There's also the fact that in the rules Liberty very clearly asks everyone not to give out their Star information, so if Cave is the Tenkai Star, he's been ignoring that.
You're magical to me.
Since the very start of the game, no less.
She said it isn't a GOOD IDEA and you should avoid doing it, not that it isn't allowed. I'm not surprised CAVE would completely ignore that, since, well, he's CAVE.
You're magical to me.
Yeah, this is Cave we're talking about. He would ignore something the game-hoster said in bold-type not to do. It's still a crappy thing to do, in my opinion. Not very sportsmanlike and all that.

I suppose if he is the tenkai, it was a pretty bold move. Cave Dog, by his very playstyle, obscures his motives behind assholery, which I'd think would make scum want to avoid killing him so he can make life hell on the townies. Perhaps that's the only thing that's kept him alive.

I'm still having a hard time buying his claim, as he could be the assassin, and thus could be bulletproof, which allowed him to catch the bullet, and the assassin probably has some sort of info-gathering ability. What does everyone else think?