
who could forget dear ratboy
I am excited to fly home for Christmas, see my family, friends, and pets, have Christmas Dinner, and go to the yearly family get together. Also to share drinks and smokes with the bys, and to do our yearly gift exchange and so on.
My farmer grandma once sent me a card with a $1 bill in it, and a pebble from her yard. The card said "I found this rock and it reminded me of you."

This is a woman to cherish, oh my god! Hahaha

I'm going to surprise everyone and say I love Christmas. The movies could have a better effect on me if my family didn't watch them all year round, but hey whatever floats their boat. I do have problems getting into the spirit on Christmas Day specifically because a long time ago some idiot convinced me certain things, including Christmas, are for children. And yeah, I guess some things are meant for children but I give approximately zero craps. I wanna have fun darn it! I get happier during the general Christmas season.

It also helps that I don't hate anyone.
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
I think I've watched It's a Wonderful Life in December every year since I was a small child.

By this time every year, it's a message I usually need to hear again.
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
I'm going to walk down to the store and buy some shit while wearing my santa hat, because it's officially December and I won't look like a complete loon doing so. It's the only time of year I get this chance.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
I'd like to imagine Christmas without all the <commercial stuff>.
Just you, your loved ones, a fireplace, TV/Movie and talk. That's all I think it should be.
Or, to actually mention the religious part, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, if you're into that.
Have you considered celebrating Easter three and a half months early instead? Or having two Thanksgivings for two months in a row?

I don't know why people who aren't Christian even bother with Christmas. You don't have to become Jewish to skip out on it, you can just be like, "I don't celebrate Christmas."

Personally I am still in a place in life where my parents give me way more expensive gifts than I give them, and I have no one else to give gifts to, so it's a pretty great holiday from where I'm sitting.
I never really thought about what Christmas 'meant' to me until I started seriously dating my girlfriend.

I grew up in a lower class, weird odd family who never really had a lot of money for gifts and festivities and all that, so Christmas was cool as a kid and all, but as I grew up it mattered less and less because I wasn't really in a position to enjoy it.

However my girlfriend grew up upper middle class in a stable nuclear family yadda yadda which basically means 'celebrate every holiday to the max', which means that I'm already expecting to go Christmas tree holiday shopping for our apartment and I already know she's getting my gifts, so if I don't want to be a piece of shit boyfriend I pretty much gotta get gifts for her too.

I don't mind actually having a reason to get festive after never really caring about Christmas, but it's a change of pace!
Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
I like Christmas because I get to spend time with family and friends and eat good food. Also I'm a Christian, but even if I wasn't it'd still be a great time because my familyfamily hosts fun Christmases full of love and friendship. Its sad to hear that others won't have such a fun time, and all I can say is I hope you find a way to make the holiday happier, or at least more tolerable. I wish I could invite every single one of you to my house for Christmas so we can have fun and talk about fun stuff over good food T_T. Oh well, maybe we should do another one of those Secret Santa threads like last year to put at least one smile on people's faces. ;)
I don't know why people who aren't Christian even bother with Christmas. You don't have to become Jewish to skip out on it, you can just be like, "I don't celebrate Christmas."

Once again, rituals, man. My parents were not religious in the slightest, but they enjoyed the holiday and it was celebrated in our house. When you grow up with that as a yearly tradition, you learn to appreciate it and make it your own. (unless you've just been having a really horrible time every year!)
I put my Christmas tree up. Wahoo. Half of the lights don't work and the half that do work project colors onto the ceiling. And the cat insists on eating the tree, even though it's fake.

One of these years, I should just put up a Festivus pole.

Roll a seven? Does your Grandma get out a d8 from her Dungeons and Dragons set or something?

Grandma gift certificate, though! I love that so much! It's almost too perfect.

My farmer grandma once sent me a card with a $1 bill in it, and a pebble from her yard. The card said "I found this rock and it reminded me of you."
As Max McGee said, it was 2 six-sided dice. And let me tell you, those Grandma Gift Certificates never yield anything good. The $10 was probably the best gift ever. I still don't know what I should be doing with that collector's edition Dale Earnhardt Jr. telephone that she got me a few years ago. Boy, it was hard to look excited when I opened that bad boy up. Actually, it was hard not to vomit.

But nothing beats the sweater that she knitted for me when I was a kid. I loved dinosaurs back in the day, so she knitted me a sweater with a fair approximation of an Apatosaurus on it (also, fuck you Google spell check, it is NOT Brontosaurus). Anyway, the whole thing was just a disaster in every other way imaginable. I barely remember the color scheme, but I distinctly remember orange. It was also so short that it was a mid-drift... with sleeves that were about six or seven inches longer than my arms. Apparently Grandma thought I had body of an orangutan. (For the record, I am not an orangutan.)

So I'll gladly take your pebble and $1 bill, nervuss! XD
The TM is for Totally Magical.
It's not just that. Christmas (Yule) doesn't even originate with Christianity, and there are still people who celebrate the ancient rites. Christmas couldn't be stopped and was illegal throughout Europe for many centuries. Christianity and Christmas are just labels put on a much older Pagan festival that European descendants have never stopped celebrating. The real end was that Catholicism adopted the festival as one of their rites.

(Christian name open and pagan name in parenthesis)Easter (Oestara), Halloween (Samhain, Hallow E'en, All Hallow's Eve), Candlemas (Imbolc), May Day or Roodmas (Beltaine), there is no Christian version of (Lughnasadh)(Litha) or (Mabon). The significance of each: there are two Equinoxes--Easter and Mabon--two Solstices--Yule (which falls between Dec. 21-23rd) and Litha (June 21st), and festivals timed between each, the most important being Samhain, which is the third and final harvest of the year. Holidays were breaks at the end of each work period, work actually being the job of growing food and preparing the community for winter each year.

Even with the advent and spread of Christianity, the church couldn't seem to stop people from celebrating the festivals, so they adopted them as their own. Easter (actually the name of a goddess: Easter is a corruption of Ostara) became the anniversary of Jesus' crucifixion. Yule (also closely related to Rome's Saturnalia, and actually now falling on the last day of Saturnalia, Brumalia on Dec. 25th...Saturnalia lasting for 12 days. Ever wonder why there's 12 days of Christmas?) became his birthday, even though the least educated of Bible readers could probably guess that based on the conditions described in the Bible, he was born in the summer. Samhain, or All Hallows Day became All Saints Day, though even converted to Christianity everyone remembered that All Hallows Evening or E'en was the most important day of the festival (this being the day in which Death holds no sway on the spirits of the dead and we must disguise ourselves so vengeful spirits might mistake us for another spirit).

So seriously, the "Christmas is only for Christians" position is kind of silly, and easily debunked with five minutes of research.
Not fond of Christmas. Media inflates it and makes it more about buying gifts than anything and it's very annoying. I like having a few Christmas-themed things out at home to change the monotony of this dark, boring season, such as candles, ornaments and such. There's usually the typical Christmas tree as well.
But let me repeat myself: I hate everything media makes it out to be.
At home we've been stepping down gifts more and more every year. Hopefully we can stop it altogether this year. Just having a nice holiday with the family, eating Christmas food, etc is plentiful.

Oh, and I'm really tired of all the damn music. There's no escaping it...
As Max McGee said, it was 2 six-sided dice. And let me tell you, those Grandma Gift Certificates never yield anything good. The $10 was probably the best gift ever. I still don't know what I should be doing with that collector's edition Dale Earnhardt Jr. telephone that she got me a few years ago. Boy, it was hard to look excited when I opened that bad boy up. Actually, it was hard not to vomit.

But nothing beats the sweater that she knitted for me when I was a kid. I loved dinosaurs back in the day, so she knitted me a sweater with a fair approximation of an Apatosaurus on it (also, fuck you Google spell check, it is NOT Brontosaurus). Anyway, the whole thing was just a disaster in every other way imaginable. I barely remember the color scheme, but I distinctly remember orange. It was also so short that it was a mid-drift... with sleeves that were about six or seven inches longer than my arms. Apparently Grandma thought I had body of an orangutan. (For the record, I am not an orangutan.)

So I'll gladly take your pebble and $1 bill, nervuss! XD

That is a bargain for a lifetime of delightfully bizarre kitsch and I will throw in an extra dollar and pebble of my own.

I love how Pianotm never fails to provide us with apt esoteric trivia in these situations. Keep it up.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
I fucking love Christmas.
I fucking love Christmas.

This! It's really nice seeing lots of family and friends, and it's an excuse to cook and eat great food, and to treat ourselves and celebrate, and to surprise each other with little gifts for any or no excuse in particular. And since winter in Michigan tends to be damn cold and slightly miserable otherwise...

Of course, there's a lot of commercial shit that comes with any holiday, but I do my best to ignore it. I just get way too into finding or making little perfect gifts for all of my friends :D

I think people should come up with more excuses to be obscenely happy.
owned a Vita and WiiU. I know failure
This is the only time of the year where I can watch the live-action version of The Grinch three times in a row without being judged for it, so that's what I'll be doing some time next week.
*click to edit*
I like Christmas, and I'm not even Christian, but an atheist. I don't mind the inundation of X-mas decorations and ubiquitous Santas. I think it has its charm and doesn't last all that long.
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
While I appreciate the season, I think it's a shame that we can't be more "brotherly" throughout the year. Pinning it all on one month (or day) really kills it, doesn't it?
I made some Christmas cookies today. Well, "cookie." Something went horribly wrong and when it came out of the oven, it was one giant cookie, about 1 centimeter thick, burnt to a crisp in places, while the rest was just bubbling pustules. Needed a chisel to get it off the baking sheet. I've made these cookies before; I followed the recipe exactly. I double checked EVERYTHING. I have no idea what went wrong. Boo.

Then I went Christmas shopping and spent a ton of cash on myself and nothing on anybody else. Yeah! I'm in the holiday mood now.

I will throw in an extra dollar and pebble of my own.
I'll be expecting this in the mail.
While I may not be much of a fan of all that ever-changing cold weather and all that wonderful black ice that’s on the road and the sidewalks (nobody seems to like to shovel their driveways around here anymore), I do like going down to other people’s homes and businesses, seeing all those twinkly Christmas lights and decorations put up while listening to all those old nostalgia Christmas tunes blasted all over the radio while shopping in the meantime for presents for yourself and others and seeing them all just smile with those happy faces when you buy them something that they actually like. Plus, getting together with the whole family and all your friends is really the best part of Christmas for me. Because now that I’m an adult and since some of my old friends and family have moved away from here (because this place is too god damn expensive), it’s just a bit extra special now to have them all together for that one special day.

Also looking forward to eating my aunt’s marvelous stuffing is also giving me just cause to look forward to Christmas coming along (nom, nom). Oh, and the time off as well. I mean, you can’t beat that.

I think the only thing that I don’t like is how some workplaces won’t allow its employees to say “Merry Christmas” anymore because it offends some people and just say “Happy Holidays” instead. Well, whatever, screw that – I still say it whenever I’m at work. I don't care. Come at me, bros!