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This really does not have 2 do with game design, but because 2 of what I believe r going to be great rpgs are coming out soon I was wondering which one people where more excited about. I realize most will get both, but like I said I want to know which one your more excited about. I, like many will get both but I can not wait until Fable 2 comes out. I was in the middle as far as my love for the first Fable, it had a lot of good things about it but there was a lot of things that to me were not up to par with the buzz around it. I have been reading everything on Fable 2 and I believe it is going to be the equivalent of playing the original Zelda when it first came out ( Just in case you were not alive, or were to little when it came out...IT BLEW PEOPLES F#$@ING MINDS AWAY!!!). I think Fallout 3 will be great as well, but no where near what Fable 2 is going to be!
I am locking this because:

a) It's a pretty shitty topic. Your paragraph long-rant is incomprehensible.

b) It's in the wrong forum.

If it was just one or the other, I'd give you a chance to fix it, but as is...just no. If you make another topic, make sure you TAKE YOUR TIME making it.

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